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New Terms & Conditions, in English please


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I also get prompted to accept new terms when I visit my seller account and those terms are not in English. 


Please provide english terms to me in in my seller account so I know what I am accepting or declining.  Do not provide a separate PDF document in english, because I cannot accept the french terms.

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Thank you both for this remark. That's not normal, I'm going to check that with the Addons team, and I come back to you as soon as I have more information.



Edit: The English version is currently being translated. They should be ready for next week, but don't worry they won't be applied before August 1st, so you will have time to read them :)  


Thanks a lot for your patience!

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There has been some specific changes. The English version will be ready really soon, and they will replace the French ones that you see in your Addons account.


The best for you is to contact the Addons team directly so they can explain them to you, it will be more easier. My colleague is waiting for your email :)


Thanks a lot!

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I think that is appropriate as well. It does not really make sense to have all of the different contributors having to email in to get the info, it creates more work that way. 


Don't worry everyone. I'll get copies of both Terms, old and new, and compare them for any changes. You'll know what changes are there after I review them. For any clarifications, just update this thread and we'll discuss it. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi contributor friends :)


Don't worry, the new terms and conditions won't be effective before it's translated in English. If we don't get the translation ready this week, then we'll postpone its application.


I've been told that it should be ready for you to ready and sign it within 2 weeks. 

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I don't worry. But you know, it is summer time, holidays, people are going out for weeks.


I just mean, it would be very nice to have at least 1 month between the publication and its application.

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Just for the record. We have to accept the new terms before the 08/01/2014 to continue selling on Addons and there is still the French version only on 07/25.


Am I right or have missed something?

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Yup, we're pushing the application of the new Terms & Conditions back to August, 11th, to give you a little time to read them. By the way, there was a small delay and the new T&C will be integrated in English on Monday morning.


Sorry for the new delay and thanks for your patience!


We are integrating the new Terms in English today for new Addons contributors. 


EDIT: They are live. If there are any issues with the integration, please let us know in this thread. Thank you!

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  • 2 weeks later...


After reading the English version of TOS, I had some questions in your contributor blog, but I couldn't have any response. As a contributor, I have some questions in mind. Could you please answer here?


1. I couldn’t understand the benefit of Backoffice sales. If a customer purchase a product via the backoffice, he/she will not get a discount but your commission will be 20% higher? Correct? What is the point on this? To promote Prestashop and to penalize the loyal Addons contributors?


2. I read an item under 6.2. It says that our money will be waived if we don’t withdraw in 1 year and 45 days. But how will we know that? Is there a line in our backoffice which shows the order date or an information section which displays the amount of money which will be waived? I guess we need such a functionality in our dashboard.


3. About the last paragraph of item 7, it says that we can’t redirect the customer anywhere. However, many of my inquiries consist of Addons modules which is not existed in Addons Website. Will I answer like “I have the knowledge to help you, but I can’t. Because, I will be delisted.” ? Isn’t it humiliating for a contributor? We lose the customer. Also, some inquiries consist of custom requests. In this case, we need to charge extra. How can we handle such situations? Will you provide a negotiator system to talk about the extra payments?

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Hi! A couple of misunderstanding there...


1. Back-office sales will be additional sales, a new additional way for PrestaShop users to find your modules. You're not getting less money, you're getting more exposure. Check out the full explanation here.


2. I have a feeling contributors withdraw their money every other month or so... If you feel like it's likely that you don't think of claiming your money at least every other year, I'll forward your concern to Addons so they can think about it.


3. I don't understand your point (sorry  :(). The Terms and Conditions only state that you can't take advantage of the Addons communication channels (customer service email, product description, etc) to redirect customers to another commercial website.


The Contributor shall not use the PrestaShop Addons website to redirect users in any way to another website, commercial or non-commercial.



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Hi Xavier


Thanks for the explanations. Please see my points below:


1. The new way of exposure of our modules is crystal clear. I agree with this new feature's functionality. But I just don't understand why our commission is decreased, while your commission is increased. I believe that contributors and Prestashop are partners, and are in a partnership. We expect you to share the revenue in justice. You are selling the same module, but you are getting a better commission ? Only the channels are different. I guess you'd better keep the 70/30 ratio.


2. Yes, many times I prefer to make annual withdrawals or once the balance pass a threshold. Could you please transmit this request?


3. I will try to clarify. Customer is asking for a module which can be found on a commercial website, and I know that it is not existed in Prestashop Addons. You know that there are some modules out there like this. In this case, what will be our behavior and answer to the customer not to violate TOS? In addition to that, when the customer asks for an extra  custom development, we need to charge extra. In this case, I need to redirect the customer to another communication channel like email, forum, etc. Is that OK according to the TOS?



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2. I have a feeling contributors withdraw their money every other month or so... If you feel like it's likely that you don't think of claiming your money at least every other year, I'll forward your concern to Addons so they can think about it.


On this topic, the only concern I would see are for contributors who do not sell over 100.  Consider these 3 factors

1) money is held for 45 days

2) you can only withdraw when you exceed 100

3) you forfeit money if you do not withdraw after 1 year and 45 days


so a contributor who does not make over 100 in 1 year and 45 days will forfeit this money



The Contributor shall not use the PrestaShop Addons website to redirect users in any way to another website, commercial or non-commercial.


It is a confusing statement, its meaning should be clarified.  I believe the concern is ...  let's say a customer contacts us and complains about an issue.  After researching the issue, we have to tell the customer the problem is with something outside of Prestashop and/or our module, and we need to "redirect" them to their hosting provider, or some other external provider to correct the issue. 


Are we able to do that? 


Perhaps give an example of what section 7 is not allowing us to do.

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On this topic, the only concern I would see are for contributors who do not sell over 100.  Consider these 3 factors

1) money is held for 45 days

2) you can only withdraw when you exceed 100

3) you forfeit money if you do not withdraw after 1 year and 45 days


so a contributor who does not make over 100 in 1 year and 45 days will forfeit this money



It is a confusing statement, its meaning should be clarified.  I believe the concern is ...  let's say a customer contacts us and complains about an issue.  After researching the issue, we have to tell the customer the problem is with something outside of Prestashop and/or our module, and we need to "redirect" them to their hosting provider, or some other external provider to correct the issue. 


Are we able to do that? 


Perhaps give an example of what section 7 is not allowing us to do.



Tomorrow we will have a more detailed explanation and examples of section 7. Thanks!

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Not completely. I want to continue via email channel if I feel that our conversation may violate the terms and conditions. To secure myself.

So I think the answer to my question was yes, I understood properly?


I have to imagine they do NOT want you to do that, but the terms do not state it

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Hello everyone,


   This is an explanation of section 7 with examples. Xavier met with the Addons team and provided these examples.


1. when a contributor sneaks a link to his own website in the product description of a module on Addons

2. when a contributor tells a customer (through the Addons customer service system) to email him directly to make the communication easier
3. when a contributor sneaks a link to his website inside the module he sells on Addons (will display an Ad of some sort in the back-office, in the configuration, documents etc.)
Does this help clarify section 7?
Thanks everyone.
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Hello everyone,


Where the terms can be found in English? On this link they cannot be found - http://addons.prestashop.com/pdf/terms/140724_CG_CONTRIBUTEUR_ADDONS_EN.pdf


And i have some  questions too.


Is it allowed to put our support email in the product documentations? This was asked before new terms and it was allowed, i asked about the new terms.


Is it ok to ask customers for their e-mails on addons support in order to send them files, like updates, fixes and other similar issues?

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Hello everyone,


Where the terms can be found in English? On this link they cannot be found - http://addons.prestashop.com/pdf/terms/140724_CG_CONTRIBUTEUR_ADDONS_EN.pdf


And i have some  questions too.


Is it allowed to put our support email in the product documentations? This was asked before new terms and it was allowed, i asked about the new terms.


Is it ok to ask customers for their e-mails on addons support in order to send them files, like updates, fixes and other similar issues?


That link takes me to the English version, where does that link take you? I'll get some answers about your questions tomorrow. 


Thank you!

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Well for some reason it display blank page on my Chrome, i have opened it with Firefox its okey.


About the questions, as i now readed sector 7 of terms. To my opinion with the new terms it should be allowed to redirect to email or ask for email because email is not website and it is not with the intention to advertise. I will wait for you to tell us :)

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Hello Benjamin, 
can you please clarify following:

1) When exporting the theme from BO, there is field "website" and "email". Can I fill my website and email in? :-) If not, what should I fill in?
2) If client ask for my services or custom modification, may I give him the email? At least I have to give him my PayPal ID to pay me after the job is done and this is actually email too.


Regarding providing updates / fixes quickly without revealing the mail, I suggest everyone to use Dropbox or Google Drive, you can send customer secured link to download it.


Thank you




Edited by webplus (see edit history)
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  • 3 months later...

Hi Jiri,


Support should be provided through the Addons platform only after a theme or a module is purchased on the marketplace. We can't provide secondary support (to help the seller or the customer) if the discussion is happening on Skype.


Obviously, if you have been exchanging messages back and forth through the Addons support system and there's an issue that requires that you have a longer call via Skype, we understand that and it's fine. As soon as you feel like it's becoming a dispute, go back to the Addons messaging right away so we have a better idea of what's happening and we can protect you as an Addons contributor.


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Hi Xavier,


Thank you for the response! OK, I understand. The addons messaging is sufficient for most clients and situations. I also use screen recording and send links to video on dropbox if client needs to see anything. This client asked for it, because he prefers this way of support (skype, etc.), so I just wanted to be sure if I can or can't use it. OK, I will direct such clients to addons messaging, unless it's really neccessary to use some other tool.


Can you please reply my older question too? :
2) If client ask for my services or custom modification, may I give him the email? At least I have to give him my PayPal ID to pay me after the job is done and this is actually email too.

Again I'm speaking about client who already purchased the product and needs some extra changes, which are out of scope of common support (I do some small changes quite often for free, to satisfy the clients, but not bigger layout changes or new specific features). So I hope it's possible in such case, at least for the paypal payment?

Thank you



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Hi webplus,


If your clients wants you to develop more features on a specific module he bought from you on Addons, he's free to contact you, and you're free to send him your email.


However, in that case, if the client encounters issues with the module after those developed features, PrestaShop won't be involved in the support process. We only support the modules that are sold on Addons with their initial features, not extra development, because it is an extra service you provided. 


I hope it's clear, don't hesitate if you have anymore question :)

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