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Single page checkout

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There's nothing wrong in people wanting free modules. But it has to be understood, that actually nothing is FREE - Prestashop team has their own businessmodel and incomes that actually include a free widely used Prestashop core. Actually everybody has FREE opportunity to write this module by themselves!

I am not part of Prestashop team business, nor I don't have available resources to do things for free. Maybe in the future, but right now different IT-projects bring bread to my table. Firstly I thought I will give the module away for free but there was so much work for it I didn't find it wise for myself.

About support - so far everybody who has asked some clarifications from me has some modified Prestashop version. I cannot say my module is 100% compliant with all the mods available, hence the support clause. If it was only one-two pages or completely new functionality, then maybe no interference from me would be required.

About Magento - I installed Magento. Tried to modify it a bit. Got frustrated because of the enormous codebase it has. It's core is developed as enterprise-grade webapp, but simple users like the ones here in the forum, would find it very complicated. Yes, it's powerful; yes, it's scalable; yes, it's modular... but it's enormous code and a lot of overhead at least for me.

I would really like to keep discussion about this module's price somewhere else - I wouldn't want to get this thread banned because of rules violation.

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Module looks Great Riho, have a couple of questions.
1. Will postage options chance automatically depending on the country you choose ( will it tie in with Prestashop existing postal options set for a shop i.e uk standard, recorded, next day, eurpean recorded and global)
2. Will the invoices show up in the normal orders section that they currently do before adding the plugin.
3. Will the module be compatible with, Protox and pay by phone?

1. Yes, they will change. So far I've had an issue that it's not working in some browsers, haven't really got my hands on to that (just conversation over e-mail). Still trying to get solution. You can try this out at my testsite: http://www.infovorgud.ee/prestatest. There are different delivery options for different zones.
2. Yes, invoices will show up as usual in orders section.
3. Protox - Yes, compatible. Pay by phone - still to test but shouldn't be a problem.
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Need a one page check out....when is Prestashop going to offer this as a free module?

I've tried Oscommerence, ZenCart and Cubecart and they all had their good and bad points....just when you think you found a great shopping cart (PrestaShop) you hit a snag like this.....I may have to jump ship because of this :( Unless someone comes up with some low budget module or PrestaShop steps up to the plate.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all,

I needed such a module some time ago and I made it myself. Now I cleaned up code a bit, made it configurable and much much more dumb-proof, tested well and now it is ready for general usage.

Initially I thought it was matter of 3-4 days, but there was _lots_ of things to tackle. Though, I thing price for this module is affordable (35 eur without support, 60 eur incl. support).

Here is feature highlights:
* Anonymous, one page checkout
* Ajax enabled shipping changes
* Possibility to choose delivery and invoice address
* Seamless and simple install and uninstall procedure
* Configuration of module parameters in back-end
* Automatically localized
* Vouchers, Gifts, Newsletters, Free shipping threshold, ...
* Thoroughly tested

Check for more information in my store (there is demo of this module installed and module can be also purchased there)

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Old checkout system is overridden intensionally because, I think, it confuses user to have two different checkout systems.
What regards old checkout, in my opinion, it is unnecessary long and complicated (especially dealing with addresses) and it is no bad to replace it completely.

Anyway, I could alter module to use both systems quite easily (1-2 evenings), if there is a such feature request by others as well.

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If intention of customers is tracking their orders or make orders as registered users than this is provided. Module generates password and sends it to customer silently with order confirmation, so account is created anyway and customer can get back and access history of orders.

Customer can also make use of Log-in link and access his or her account later and make another order (with pre-filled form).

When returning customer does not remember login/password or does not remember shop at all, and uses same email, order is "matched" to existing account (so e.g. shop owner can compensate for royalty)

On the other hand, I agree, it could be confusing sometimes that you do not have "registration" option at first sight. As I said, this can be added quite easily. And returning customers would know that they are already registered anyway.

To conclude: Please let me know, which feature would customer miss in this module except confusion mentioned lately.

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Module is compatible with Prestashop 1.2.1, 1.2.2, 1.2.3 and 1.2.4.

Compatibility updates with upcoming Prestashop updates will be provided in both versions, however, with "no support" version there will be provided only installation files "as is" and it is one's responsibility to resolve any potential problems with installation on functionally customized stores.

"Support" version includes moreover minor functionality upgrades (if applicable), not only compatibility updates.

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Did you test this with SSL certificates as it breaks mine?

The button linking to the payment page transfers to a non secure page so you get warnings.


       <input type="hidden" name="step" value="3" />
       <input type="submit" name="processCarrier" value="{l s='Next'} »" class="exclusive" />

<input class="button_large"   type="button" value="« {l s='Continue shopping' template='shopping-cart'}">

This is the section of code that breaks the SSL it is at the end of order-carrier.tpl

Also the js files that are being called at the top of this file are not secure and these also break the SSL. Need to add _SSL to the file location which fixes this.

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Thanks for that.

I have emailed you back.

The button that takes you to the payment options screen is still trying to send me to an unsecure page and gives a warning that the data is unsecure.
This also happens when I try and add a voucher code.

In fact it happens when I try and do anything on the first page, remove the product from the cart, add or subtract products , click continue shopping.

All these should continue to use https protocol, apart from continue shopping maybe.

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I tested on my SSL environment and it works fine. Have you tried to delete template cache? (/data/presta/tools/smarty/compile)

Moreover, to keep SSL when changing cart quantities, _ssl should be added also to file shopping-cart-product-line.tpl

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+1 also for single page checkout, but what i would like to add is an feature like in dealextreme.com checkout with paypal. You just add things to your cart then just click the paypal button and the delivery information is drag in from paypal. You just need to enter your pp account login and accept payment.

And the first time it creates an account for me and delivers every nesessary info to my email.

This kind of thing makes purchases so much too easy (i just cant stop buying... :) )

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@ zelarg

Very nice module mate.
I have a question though, is it possible to work with the ship2pay module ?
So if you choose a carrier that you can add differents payments with ship2pay methode.
So for example,

choose carrier dhl- and you can pay with paypal and iDeal
choose carrier-tnt- and you can pay with bankwire
choose carrier-tnt cash on delivery only

For me this is very importent so thats why i ask if it can work together with ship2pay.



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@ Nick108

Well mate better contact the maker first and explain your problem and lets give him a chance to see if he can solve your problem.
I know how you feel when something doesn`t work right away but i have been there myself with a other module and i also shout to quick but after a few days they solved the problem, i also learned from it so please don`t make the same mistake and contact him first and wait for his reply.
Seems this is a great module and i wait till he tested this also with ship2pay and then i will buy it for sure cause with this module you will have more customers that will buy something.


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you are right, just emailed to the maker, waiting for response.
I really need this module. 115 customers stopped at the registration step in 3 months. If I will not solve this problem, I will uninstal prestashop and will use simple PayPal button.

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I bought it too, I love it. Setting the file permissions is a minor detail to allow the module to be installed/uninstalled - the amount of code is pretty hefty and complex compared to other simple modules so a little extra hassle to make it work is no problem at all.

It has saved me days of development and testing as I need this urgently. Apart from one little snag (Logged in users are asked for their details again during checkout instead of being directed to step 2 - summary and payment select) the module is just the thing I needed.

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I also buyed this a week ago and it is the best module so far made.
This is module is worth every penny, congrats for making such module this is indeed a must have for your webshop.
The support is great and you never find a better support then this, thanks again peter.
If you have a template that differs from the standard prestashop templates ( like mine ) then buy the support+ version and it will be specially customized so that it also works 100% on yours.
I don`t mind paying some extra if you get a wonderfull support ;)
Btw Peter you can better start your own thread so that people knows about your module.

Greats ysco..

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I think the title of this thread is misleading - a single page checkout is not necessarily the most desirable - or acheivable solution. The key is to reduce the number of stages down from 5. Eg: OSCommerce FEC module combines the shipping and payment select, X-Cart does the same thing but goes 1 step further by combining the register form into the login page, thus reducing the process to 3 pages, but then has a seperate confirmation page making it 4 stages.

Zelargs module above goes a step further by combining the register page into the cart itself, reducing it to a 2 stage checkout. I think this is the best it can be, a single page checkout would be just too busy - too much information on one page.

An alternative, and acheivable solution but would be to request a shipping address in Paypal (pass the parameter shipping=2) and then populate the order from the IPN details that paypal posts back. I think Sagepay does a postback too - Google Checkout requires SSL and CURL to be enabled to offer this option, but if you only use Paypal or Sagepay then this could be an option for future modules.

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Zelarg, thanks for making this great module! But I have a few issues before purchasing it. I tried to buy a dummy product, but forgot to choose a country, so when i clicked next, I got a blank screen with "hack attempt".. That will scare most customers off, thinking they are being hacked...

Also, after I paid, I never received the password to my account. Therefore I can't log in to view my order status. I've seen a few prestashop stores, where they recognize you by your email address instead of a generated password.. Would that be possible to build into it?

Hope you can help me with these few few issues.. Can't wait to buy the module!!

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  • 2 weeks later...


Sorry for late response, I do not read forums that often. Problem with password sending was resolved about a week ago and now I fixed also issue when no country is selected.

What regards recognizing by email - it is intentionally made as password authentication due to security reasons, I did not want to allow anyone who knows your email to see your address details and previous orders.

For returning customers there are these options:

- either they know password, they can log in

- or they do not know so they can click forgot my password and retrieve it

- or, they can proceed without "logging in", order will be matched to existing account and later on, when they decide to log in, they will see also this order.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I purchased and installed the One Page Module but the cart on my site continues to say "There is no carrier available that will deliver to this address!". I have all shipping setup and working in standard cart process. Any advice on how to fix this issue. I think this will be a huge improvement to PrestaShop!

Now we just need PayPal Pro integration :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello, I was buyed this module. But doesn't work for me with the shipping cost because I have differents prices for some provinces in Spain.
I tried many configurations but I think that the module only select the carrier and costs of the assigned Zone for the Country, but not the provinces.

For example the cost for ship to Alicante is 7,5€ and the cost for ship to Ibiza is 15€ (same country both)

I setup the shop making different Zones for can assign different costs with same carrier:
- España
- Islas Baleares
And in the Provinces I assign for each province of Spain the zone "España" less in for example Ibiza that I select the "Islas Baleares" zone.
After this clicking in "shipments" I can see the carriers and I put the costs of each zone "España" and "Islas Baleares".

Is any bug, limitation or only don't know how to setup?

Sorry for my bad english.

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Hello Zelarg,
Thanks for developing it ! Well, I notice that there is no possibility to create a new account !?
Please see the screenshot bellow (taken from your own website).
I guess that's why this module I bought today doesn't work for me.
Which version of Prestashop do you use for your website?
Best regards.


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Fieldset for creating new account is commented out in authentication.tpl file, it can be uncommented, but in my opinion it is not useful (confuses customer) and quite enough would be informing customer, that their account would be created with their first order.

Because original registration process is IMO quite complicated and moreover, there is no possibility to distinguish between delivery and billing address (which one is of which type).

So my recommendation is to put there only small text (to authentication.tpl file) informing potential customers who want to register that their account is automatically created during checkout.

I did an update on my demo site, please see there.


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I purchased this module today but I get this error when I try to access the cart (cart.php or order.php)

Hack attempt: "no default carrier"

I set the write permissions recursively. I tried a few things and can't figure it out. I'm using Presta 1.2.4 with theme Minimaliste.

Please help!
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I did a fresh install of Presta 1.2.4 to test if your module would work with the default Prestashop theme. It was working until I changed the default carrier. Now I get the same white screen with the message: Hack attempt: “no default carrier”

Please advise.

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I'm in Canada and our addresses are formatted the same as USA with the state displayed in the address. I spent a good 4 hrs trying to figure out how to get the state to display in on the cart's payment page (summary) with no luck.

You can see on the Prestashop default cart that the state is displayed (see below). On your cart I can't get it to display, as seen on your Presta Modules site (see below).

Any ideas?



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Problem is that state field is not in base classes, here is how to fix that:

edit Address.php and create new field:

/** @var string State name */
public        $state;

and add to constructor: (in section /* Get and cache address country name */, just below $this->country = $result['name']; ):

$result = Db::getInstance()->getRow('SELECT `name` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'state`
                                               WHERE `id_state` = '.intval($this->id_state));
$this->state = $result['name'];

Then insert into your shopping cart summary template (shopping-cart-payment.tpl) these values:

{if isset($delivery->state)} ({$delivery->state}){/if}
{if isset($invoice->state)} ({$invoice->state}){/if}

If you wish, let me know, I can send you updated files.

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Some thoughts about a One Page Checkout solution.

I have installed and started to use such module. It works flawlessy, and customers really use it.

HOWEVER! It's a disaster when it comes to recruiting to the newsletter signup. It went from 95% Yes to 99% NO after starting to use the OPC. The customers simply don't check the newsletter checkbox.

I'm very unsure how to react to this development. My business relies 100 % on newsletter marketing.

Are there any shop owners here with the same experience?

Kind regards

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Sorry to laugh, but receiving those things from shops I only use once in a blue moon and never intended to sign up to is the bane of my life.

I wonder what would happen if they clicked on the subcribe each time they bought from you if they would receive multiple copies??
I suppose it depends on what software you use to send the newsletter but using Prestashop's own newsletters?

At least it saves them the trouble of unsubscribing or (worse for you) marking it as spam and getting your communications banned from everyone who uses that email service!

It would be interesting to find out from customers why they didn't tick the box. Perhaps they didn't see it or were too task oriented by this stage and just wanted to receive the goods.

As a practical measure, how about putting a newsletter subscribe link on your homepage or maybe on every page. That way you might catch people operating in brwose mode and more likely to subscribe.

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Sorry to laugh, but receiving those things from shops I only use once in a blue moon and never intended to sign up to is the bane of my life.

I work as a webmaster for a large airline company, and we have several hundred thousands newsletter subscribers. (edit: we do not use prestashop :)) More that 10% of our total revenue comes from the newsletter. What is common in your country might be the opposite of what is common in my country. That is why it is very hard for a french team to make an online shop for the whole world.

I wonder what would happen if they clicked on the subcribe each time they bought from you if they would receive multiple copies??
I suppose it depends on what software you use to send the newsletter but using Prestashop's own newsletters?

I use a system that always delete duplicates.

At least it saves them the trouble of unsubscribing or (worse for you) marking it as spam and getting your communications banned from everyone who uses that email service!

Why would they unsubscribe if they just opted in? Not quite sure what you mean.

It would be interesting to find out from customers why they didn't tick the box. Perhaps they didn't see it or were too task oriented by this stage and just wanted to receive the goods.

I totally agree with you. That would be very interesting to know.

As a practical measure, how about putting a newsletter subscribe link on your homepage or maybe on every page. That way you might catch people operating in brwose mode and more likely to subscribe.

That was the first thing I did when I started my webshop in 2007.
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Hi kyrre,

Thanks for the thoughful reply.

Yes imho people do sometimes unsubscribe pretty quickly from newsletters. They change their mind, lose interest in the product, don't plan another holiday till next year so don't any longer need regular special offers. Also these links become outdated and need regular pruning. Some shops make you login to remove your name from the list so it never gets removed.

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  • 1 month later...
my solution to one page check out was

i eliminated bill address and gave default value like bill address1 , bill city...
and let customer to fill bill address after/during purchase

you may see the solution here
http://onlinecicek.com.tr/ its turkish

Hello there, your site looks really good, one thing that REALLY caught my eye though was when you click to add a product to the basket, the little animation of a shopping cart that moves towards the shopping cart looked really really cool! It looks SO much better than the default animation.

could you please tell me how you did it? is it a image url in the code in a tpl file somewhere?

thank you very much in advance.
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my solution to one page check out was

i eliminated bill address and gave default value like bill address1 , bill city...
and let customer to fill bill address after/during purchase

you may see the solution here
http://onlinecicek.com.tr/ its turkish

Hello there, your site looks really good, one thing that REALLY caught my eye though was when you click to add a product to the basket, the little animation of a shopping cart that moves towards the shopping cart looked really really cool! It looks SO much better than the default animation.

could you please tell me how you did it? is it a image url in the code in a tpl file somewhere?

thank you very much in advance.

It is in the gobal.css, just replace the image to whatever you want

/* transfert effect*/
.transferProduct { background:transparent url(../img/cart_add.png) center no-repeat}
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my solution to one page check out was

i eliminated bill address and gave default value like bill address1 , bill city...
and let customer to fill bill address after/during purchase

you may see the solution here
http://onlinecicek.com.tr/ its turkish

Hello there, your site looks really good, one thing that REALLY caught my eye though was when you click to add a product to the basket, the little animation of a shopping cart that moves towards the shopping cart looked really really cool! It looks SO much better than the default animation.

could you please tell me how you did it? is it a image url in the code in a tpl file somewhere?

thank you very much in advance.

today i made a small change

it is still same on category page when you click add to cart a small cart image moving toward cart section

but on the product page when you click add to cart moving image changes to products small image

lets take this product page


on this page when you click add to cart product's image moves

if you like this let me know i can show how to
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it is still same on category page when you click add to cart a small cart image moving toward cart section

but on the product page when you click add to cart moving image changes to products small image

lets take this product page


on this page when you click add to cart product's image moves

if you like this let me know i can show how to

I would like to know how to.. Thanks.
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<style type="text/css">
.transferProduct {ldelim} background:transparent url(http://yourdomain.com/img/p/{$cover.id_image}-small.jpg) center no-repeat{rdelim}

go to ...themes\yourtheme\product.tpl
and insert the code
something like

include file=$tpl_dir./errors.tpl}
{if $errors|@count == 0}
<style type="text/css">
.transferProduct {ldelim} background:transparent url(http://onlinecicek.com.tr/img/p/{$cover.id_image}-small.jpg) center no-repeat{rdelim}

// <![CDATA[

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  • 1 month later...

Excellent one page, no account required checkout module from zelarg!

I bought the files yesterday and spent a few minutes configuring them on my test shop. Edited a couple of bits of text to fit in with what I had altered on my original Checkout etc and launched it onto my live shop today!

Everything slots into place nicely, no SSL problems as reported earlier in this thread... Niiiiiice!

Great work! Great value! Easy to install and configure too!!!

FAO anyone who is bothered about editing the file permissions to make them writable, it's only a temporary, you can CHMOD them back to their original settings after installation.

All in all, 11/10 :o)

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there's a lot of cultural differences in the way customers shop, for instance British customers (and American) want everything in a hurry, British customers also have an inversion to anything that looks bureaucratic
you need to put the absolute minimum of obstacles in their way, ideally let them browse, fill in their details in one form, have those details transferred across to the payment process and let them be gone, as few forms and proceedures as possible

i hate opening accounts when i'm shopping online it seems like an added hassle, but i really hate accounts when i'm return to a site i've shopped on before, i'ld almost certainly going to forget what my password was, that means going through the password reminder, trying to figure out which email address i used etc etc. To me shops like Amazon are a pain in the ar$e

i'm looking forward to the improved presta when it is released, in the mean time i'm not going to install presta, i only popped back to see if anyone had written a check out module, its a shame it looks like a good shop, a very good shop but the check-out lets it down

Here it is a year later and still no guest check out!! Has anyone posted in modules as a fix?
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Hi zelarg, or anyone here,

I'm using presta 1.3.0 and I've pruchased & installed your one page checkout module.

Here is my issue: when it comes to the order.php page, the page just sits blank. When I look at the error_log its says:

HP Fatal error: require_once() [function.require] Failed opening required '/.../public_html/config/../classes/mdc9k.php

What is this inclusion? there is no such file.. and when you change require_once to include_once, it fails.

I hope you answer in a quick manner, I'm really stuck. I need this to be fixed for this to be smth useful or the money & time spend goes down the drain.

see it in action (or fail indeed):


thank you in advance.

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I'm sorry for doubting... it was just too good to be true, but it turns out it IS that good!

Peter responded me very quickly, I just applied the latest 1.3.1 security fix and voila! there I had the module up and working.


believe me, this module is worth every € spent, reimburses itself in a DAY.

Thank you again for this great piece of work.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry to hijack this threat but wasn't there some other way (a free workaround) to simplify the ordering process? I tried searching for it but didn't find anything useful. Single page checkout would be nice but anything closer to that direction would be better than the current ordering process.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have just installed the one page checkout module on v1.2.5. It is amazing! Truly simplifies the checkout process and lets me set everything in the back office. The minor problems I had at start were either caused by another module that I have installed or because I have missed a setting... However, Peter was very helpful. Best support ever.

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  • 6 months later...

I just bouthg tht eone page checkout today and it's great. One problem I had is that the payment choice is not taken into account by the module (It takes always the first one whatever my choice is). I have also 4 payment modules enabled and it only shows 2 modes with the module.

Any help in fixing this problem will be appreciated.

(I am using the module version 1.2.5 and Prestashop 1.3.1)

Thank you

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  • 2 months later...
Hi kiteboarder,

Yes, it's possible in opc-order.tpl file - you need to set checked="checked" property on that checkbox and also display field for password input (i.e. remove display:none style)

Hi zelarg, thank you very much for your attention, it works like a charms.
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  • 3 months later...
  • 3 months later...
  • 4 months later...

Dear Zelarg


I have one page checkout 1.2.7 and want to use moneybookers V1.4 as a payment option, however monbookers does not show as an option when one page is installed.

I am on prestashop version 1.3.7

please can you help it will be most appreciated.


kind regards


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