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Upgrade reported this,




[ERROR] SQL 1101 in ALTER TABLE `ps_cart` CHANGE `delivery_option` `delivery_option` TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '': BLOB/TEXT column 'delivery_option' can't have a default value

Warning detected during upgrade.



Is this something I can fix manually in my database?


I also received this line with a red X

"Upgrade complete, but warnings has been found. Please restore your shop."


Does that mean I should revert back to ?

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If that is only error you shouldn't revert back to 1.5.2.

I just tried fresh install of 1.5.3 and there for delivery_option type is varchar(100), Null yes, default Null

but also upgraded one website from 1.5.2 to 1.5.3 and there is bit different values : text, no, none.

This is maybe a bug an I will report it just in case.

You can try to Backup ps_cart table first and manually to change row delivery_option to Type: text, Default none and Null should not be selected.

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I had the following msg:

"An error occurred while updating object. product ()"


I found a solution after I edited in prestadhop/config/defines.inc.php to temporarily change this line


define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', false);


define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', true);


So that revealed that the field redirect_type was missing in the tables ps_product AND ps_product_shop


I know this is naive and optimistic, but adding it as an INT field which may be left empty to both tables did the job for me. Problem temporarily and dirtily solved.





Regards and best wishes,


Edited by intimi (see edit history)
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>>"An error occurred while updating object. product ()"


Yes, I would get that error if I added a product image to an exsisting product. However, when I tried to enter a new product, nothing would happen. The information just disappears.


intimi, can you add new products?

Edited by Bill Dalton (see edit history)
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>>"An error occurred while updating object. product ()"


Yes, I would get that error if I added a product image to an exsisting product. However, when I tried to enter a new product, nothing would happen. The information just disappears.


intimi, can you add new products?


Now I can create or modify all sections, including shipping, prices, seo, combinations, associations, suppliers,...

The problem appears to be solved for me, but I cannot guarantee that there will be no probs further on.

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So that revealed that the field redirect_type was missing in the tables ps_product AND ps_product_shop

I know this is naive and optimistic, but adding it as an INT field which may be left empty to both tables did the job for me. Problem temporarily and dirtily solved.


Thank you!


That solved it for me as well. Added an empty field redirect_type as INT to tables ps_product AND ps_product_shop.



Thank you Michiel!

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Thank you!


That solved it for me as well. Added an empty field redirect_type as INT to tables ps_product AND ps_product_shop.



Thank you Michiel!


This is Nuts! We should not have to go through these hoops....I do not want to be forced to make an edit to the tables to get my damn store working again...This is BS!

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Totally, seems to me that Prestashop releases new versions and lets us find the bugs and fix them, while to some degree that is OK as it is FREEWARE, however this type of error should not be present, is anyone actually testing these things or what.


What they need to do is when the next version is ready for release pick a few of us from here on the forum for a week or two of testing we could then give feedback and have a product on release that worked.


There will always be some bugs that pop up as we don't always do things in the same way or order.


Its not for those of us who can and will edit files and mess with databases but for those new to Prestashop I feel sorry for.


Beta Testers Anyone! I Volunteer


I can also confirm that addng redirect_type to the to tables fixed the issue with editing products, great work intimi.

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Totally, seems to me that Prestashop releases new versions and lets us find the bugs and fix them, while to some degree that is OK as it is FREEWARE, however this type of error should not be present, is anyone actually testing these things or what.


What they need to do is when the next version is ready for release pick a few of us from here on the forum for a week or two of testing we could then give feedback and have a product on release that worked.


There will always be some bugs that pop up as we don't always do things in the same way or order.


Its not for those of us who can and will edit files and mess with databases but for those new to Prestashop I feel sorry for.


Beta Testers Anyone! I Volunteer


I can also confirm that addng redirect_type to the to tables fixed the issue with editing products, great work intimi.


I do not know how to add this change....Use MyPHPAdmin? ...if so, ok now how do I add this to the table.....Help please..I'm dead in the water floating toward the 4K waterfall

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Yes, use MyPHPAdmin, go to your database, choose SQL tab and paste this:

alter table ps_product add column redirect_type int (10) ;
alter table ps_product_shop add column redirect_type int (10) ;

then click GO button on the bottom right.




Just some tags for easier search, a lot of people will have that issue:

- An error occurred while updating object. product ()

- modify product error

- add product error

- redirect product error

- prestashop 1.5.3

Edited by dagnez (see edit history)
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Yes, use MyPHPAdmin, go to your database, choose SQL tab and paste this:

alter table ps_product add column redirect_type int (10) ;
alter table ps_product_shop add column redirect_type int (10) ;

then click GO button on the bottom right.


Owwwww!!!! this is working,

thank u very much, i desperate editing code but found nothing, till now.


did this SQL manual instruction resulting any force code to system?

I mean with this manual SQL maybe any negative side effect?

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Yes, use MyPHPAdmin, go to your database, choose SQL tab and paste this:

alter table ps_product add column redirect_type int (10) ;
alter table ps_product_shop add column redirect_type int (10) ;

then click GO button on the bottom right.


Awesome!...this restores my confidence in Humanity...well at least for Today.... it worked perfect.....only one thing


I had to change ps-product to pr-product


Thanks Again, Dagnez

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did this SQL manual instruction resulting any force code to system?

I mean with this manual SQL maybe any negative side effect?


Not really. I believe It just made a space to store the data that didn't have any place to be saved before.


Apparently someone, who made new redirect function for products forgot to add instructions to make sure that there is a database field to store these instructions. IMHO this is something that really needs to be there. It is a shame that this bug exists in a newly released 1.5.3 version as it is a major one.

Edited by dagnez (see edit history)
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I'm thinking to upgrade my shops from Prestashop 1.5.1 to 1.5.3. Does it worth it or should I wait for some fixes?


I'm thinking to upgrade my shops from Prestashop 1.5.1 to 1.5.3. Does it worth it or should I wait for some fixes?

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this worked for me as well:


Yes, use MyPHPAdmin, go to your database, choose SQL tab and paste this:

alter table ps_product add column redirect_type int (10) ;

alter table ps_product_shop add column redirect_type int (10) ;

then click GO button on the bottom right.


Thank you!

Edited by romast (see edit history)
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I also tested 1.5.3 and I get a few bugs with my theme, anybody can help me out?


this worked for me as well:


Yes, use MyPHPAdmin, go to your database, choose SQL tab and paste this:

alter table ps_product add column redirect_type int (10) ;

alter table ps_product_shop add column redirect_type int (10) ;

then click GO button on the bottom right.


Thank you!


EDIT: romast, you bastard :) Removed your pics... Anyway did you find solution to the issue?

EDIT2: removed pictures, and will use separate but similar topic for this one: http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/212996-153-upgrade-tip/


Hi, I've noticed the same thing that you just copy pasted there! Also I lost my second level categories from the list as well, this just sucks!


Tried so far:

*Adjust the configurations from the blockcategories module on BO (No help)

*Copied over the "old blockcategories and block manuafacturers" => Fixed the heading issues, but second level categories are still missing

Edited by THM11 (see edit history)
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No that you mentioned it.. Me too! :(((

No subcategories showing. Grrr..


Well, these are all fresh 1.5.3 installation basic issues, so IMHO it could be all here. Everyone after 1.5.3 upgrade will have to apply those changes manually.


Just Checked...My Subcatagories are gone as well...Sheesh! :angry:


I'll monitor this thread for the fix ;)

Edited by kwells (see edit history)
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Thanks intimi, dagnez


your solution works great!



In my case there is another field to add in ps_product , ps_product_shop



id_product_redirected int 10


After added the above field including the fields suggest by dagnez

some products locked


solution found:

After I manual edited the tables above.everything back to work again


alter table ps_product add column redirect_type enum ('404','301','302') charset 'utf8' not null;

alter table ps_product add column id_product_redirected int(10) unsigned not null default 0;


alter table ps_product_shop add column redirect_type enum ('404','301','302') charset 'utf8' not null;

alter table ps_product_shop add column id_product_redirected int(10) unsigned not null default 0;

Edited by Anat Kitithamrong (see edit history)
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Idid'nt empty cahce it's works now




I try it the result in SQL tab

alter table ps_product add column redirect_type int (10) ;# 106 lignes affectées.


alter table ps_product_shop add column redirect_type int (10) ;# 106 lignes affectées.


then i go to B.O. product and it dont work to modify product ( want only save Votre produit va être enregistré en tant que broui lon


work only on duplication



Upgrade Module last version

Upgrade de PS 1.5.2 à PS.15.3


file modified


Tous les fichiers ont été mis à jour. La mise à jour de la base de données va commencer. Cette opération peut prendre quelques minutes, selon la taille de votre base et la puissance de votre serveur.


[OK] PHP : /* PHP:outstanding_allow_amount1530(); */

[OK] PHP : /* PHP:blocknewsletter1530(); */

[OK] PHP : /* PHP:block_category_1521(); */

[OK] SQL UPDATE `ps_order_state` SET `delivery` = 0 WHERE `id_order_state` = 3

[OK] SQL ALTER TABLE `ps_product_shop` ADD `id_product_redirected` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0' AFTER `active`

[OK] SQL ALTER TABLE `ps_product` ADD `id_product_redirected` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0' AFTER `active`

[OK] SQL UPDATE `ps_order_state` SET `send_email` = 1 WHERE `id_order_state` = (SELECT `value` FROM `ps_configuration` WHERE `name` = 'PS_OS_WS_PAYMENT' LIMIT 1)

[OK] SQL UPDATE `ps_order_state_lang` SET `template` = 'payment' WHERE `id_order_state` = (SELECT `value` FROM `ps_configuration` WHERE `name` = 'PS_OS_WS_PAYMENT' LIMIT 1)


[OK] SQL INSERT INTO `ps_configuration`(`name`, `value`, `date_add`, `date_upd`) VALUES ('PS_MAIL_COLOR', '#db3484', NOW(), NOW())

[OK] SQL ALTER TABLE `ps_order_cart_rule` CHANGE `name` `name` VARCHAR(254)

[OK] SQL ALTER TABLE `ps_cart` CHANGE `delivery_option` `delivery_option` TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT ''

[OK] SQL ALTER TABLE `ps_currency_shop` ADD `conversion_rate` DECIMAL( 13, 6 ) NOT NULL

[OK] SQL UPDATE `ps_currency_shop` a SET `conversion_rate` = (SELECT `conversion_rate` FROM `ps_currency` b WHERE a.id_currency = b.id_currency)

[OK] SQL INSERT INTO `ps_configuration`(`name`, `value`, `id_shop`, `id_shop_group`, `date_add`, `date_upd`) (SELECT 'PS_GIFT_WRAPPING_TAX_RULES_GROUP', b.`id_tax_rules_group`, a.`id_shop`, a.`id_shop_group`, NOW(), NOW() FROM `ps_configuration` a JOIN `ps_tax_rule` b ON (a.value = b.id_tax) WHERE a.name='PS_GIFT_WRAPPING_TAX' GROUP BY a.`id_shop`, a.`id_shop_group` )


[OK] SQL ALTER TABLE `ps_cart_rule` ADD `highlight` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default 0 AFTER `gift_product_attribute`

Mise à jour de la base de données Ok

fichier settings.inc.php mis à jour

[sKIP] directory "/tools/smarty/cache/" doesn't exist and cannot be emptied.

[sKIP] directory "/tools/smarty/compile/" doesn't exist and cannot be emptied.

[sKIP] directory "/tools/smarty_v2/cache/" doesn't exist and cannot be emptied.

[sKIP] directory "/tools/smarty_v2/compile/" doesn't exist and cannot be emptied.

2 module(s) seront mis à jour.

Utilisation de la classe ZipArchive

sauvegarde extraite

les fichier du module autoupgrade ont bien été mis à jour

Utilisation de la classe ZipArchive

sauvegarde extraite

les fichier du module autoupgrade ont bien été mis à jour

Utilisation de la classe ZipArchive

sauvegarde extraite

les fichier du module cashondelivery ont bien été mis à jour

Utilisation de la classe ZipArchive

sauvegarde extraite

les fichier du module cashondelivery ont bien été mis à jour

Les modules addons ont bien été mis à jour.

La base de données a été nettoyée.

End of process





Temps de chargement : 0.432s

Questions / Renseignements / Formations : +33 (0) de 09h à 18h | Contact | Bug Tracker | Forum

Edited by redtango (see edit history)
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No that you mentioned it.. Me too! :(((

No subcategories showing. Grrr..


Well, these are all fresh 1.5.3 installation basic issues, so IMHO it could be all here. Everyone after 1.5.3 upgrade will have to apply those changes manually.


ups.., hell yeah just realize, my product subcategory didn't show "+" to expand the dropdown :(

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This is Nuts! We should not have to go through these hoops....I do not want to be forced to make an edit to the tables to get my damn store working again...This is BS!


- BS? Not really if you use the recent 1-click upgrade module. It has a rollback function. Select a backup version and click.


- I don't like those workarounds either: what if they simply had omitted all new columns in all tables? It could take us a century to find out. So I expect another minor "stable" upgrade within days, now.


- What users could do is run PS on an operational server, AND install it on a small, cheap server too, just for testing. Always do upgrades in your test environments first. Copy DB from operational to testing environment before doing the upgrade, so you're a bit more sure you will get operationally what you see in test.


- Sticking to old versions too long is much like trying to get a university degree without attending courses: after a couple of major upgrades, it's like you are the only english speaker left over in mainland China ;-)

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Something to be avoided in the future:


Someone added a beautiful new function but forgot the instructions to upgrade the DB as well. That's a pretty common mistake as the DB is not a part of the versioning system and many developers leave DB design to the well encapsulated realm of a DBA. In enterprise environments, this is often a bless. ;-)


On the developer's platform, it will all have worked well, as he/she added these needed colums manually.


Unit testing would be well on it's place here! (If it exists on a dev platform, I appologize.)


That means that, for each and every module, controller, function or whatever, a so called unit test should exist. When a change is made, the unit test should be examined that it checks the impact of the change as well. The idea is that for a given input, ther must always be the same output. It's a good idea to split up complex tests in a series of simple ones: a little change requires only to change or add a simple test. Complex tests would make the testing itself error prone.


These tests are bundled in a test scenario that should run periodically, as even data changes in a live system always can create unexpected conditions.


In some environments I have seen, there is a "main" and a "test" part, the test part's structure being a kind of an echo of the main structure. This made it easy to leave the test part out of the operatonal environment, while it remained easy for developers to find or create the appriopriate tests for their changes.


For testing against a live thing and the impact of user input, it's essential to have all the testing on board, however.

Edited by intimi (see edit history)
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Thanks for the workaround to solve the products problem.


I've updated from 1.4.7 to 1.5.3 and see that the "reference" of each product disappeared.

After correcting the previous bug, I've realized that in the DB the "supplier_reference" was changed to "reference".

Do you see this a problem too?

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Thanks intimi, dagnez


your solution works great!



In my case there is another field to add in ps_product , ps_product_shop



id_product_redirected int 10


After added the above field including the fields suggest by dagnez

some products locked


solution found:

After I manual edited the tables above.everything back to work again


alter table ps_product add column redirect_type enum ('404','301','302') charset 'utf8' not null;

alter table ps_product add column id_product_redirected int(10) unsigned not null default 0;


alter table ps_product_shop add column redirect_type enum ('404','301','302') charset 'utf8' not null;

alter table ps_product_shop add column id_product_redirected int(10) unsigned not null default 0;


In my case the id_product_redirected is already in the database with the settings in your post but still no sub categories show in category menu.

What is hilarius is we have been waiting for this release with all the fixes from 1.5.2 and instead we get a product with more bugs then I have ever seen, changed code, H4 changed in modules and global.css to .title_block and who knows what else at this point it is completely useless.

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Just found another issue when in FO, click on a category and I get the list of all products, but click view on a product and I get a 404 page not found, turn off friendly URLs and then I can view porducts.

I have never had an issue with friendly URLs, looking at the .htaccess I see that it is not completely filled as before.

So it seems as though the Friendly URLs are not being written correctly to the .htaccess file.

Some categories I can view products in other 404 error rolling back Im done.

There are way to many errors to play with this as an upgrade, I will do a fresh install and once I have that working I will try the upgrade again.

I fear that we are putting band aids on a gusher.

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Yes, use MyPHPAdmin, go to your database, choose SQL tab and paste this:

alter table ps_product add column redirect_type int (10) ;
alter table ps_product_shop add column redirect_type int (10) ;

then click GO button on the bottom right.


this WORKED FINE. Everything back to normal, thank you so much! I was very frustrated. Thank you and happy new year!! :)

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Hi all,


excuse me for my bad english,


I have many problem after upgrade from 1.5.2 to 1.5.3:


- Not work, during csv product import, url image for the product (not import remote image for product)

- category product not work (for example --> TV led not is into Category TV but is posted into Home Page)


Please help me,

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I thought I had everything working in PS V1.5.3.0 but when I create a new product and then try to add it to the jquery blockcart it doesn't put in the thumbnail image. It also doesn't created the small "X" so you can remove the product from the cart. If you move to a new page the image then shows in the cart but the product remove selector remains missing.


That's it for me ... back to V


I wonder how long before the Prestashop Team starts talking to us and giving some sort of guidance? Anything would be greatly appreciated. Heads in the sand is not helping.

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I thought I had everything working in PS V1.5.3.0 but when I create a new product and then try to add it to the jquery blockcart it doesn't put in the thumbnail image. It also doesn't created the small "X" so you can remove the product from the cart. If you move to a new page the image then shows in the cart but the product remove selector remains missing.


That's it for me ... back to V


I wonder how long before the Prestashop Team starts talking to us and giving some sort of guidance? Anything would be greatly appreciated. Heads in the sand is not helping.


You didnt get the memo..... 1.5.3 was some kind of JOKE!

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Because of some problems with v1.5.2 I decided to upgrade to 1.5.3. Maybe that would solve some problems. Everything worked fine until I wanted to add products. Could not add products or duplicate them.


I tried above fixes and it is possible to duplicate products but not add them. When I want to change a duplicated and save it, it doesn't work. Looks like the "save" function is broken. All these problems with v1.5 are really getting on my nerves.

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Here are the correct sql from from db_structure.sql file:


ALTER TABLE  `ps_product_shop` ADD `redirect_type` ENUM('', '404', '301', '302') NOT NULL DEFAULT '' AFTER `active` ;
ALTER TABLE  `ps_product` ADD `redirect_type` ENUM('', '404', '301', '302') NOT NULL DEFAULT '' AFTER `active` ;

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Thanks premanshu, I'm going to add these changes to a table and then run the upgrade. See if that will do it. Maybe because those are not present during the upgrade other things are messing up.


and alter ps_cart table first, change row delivery_option to Type: text, Default none and Null should not be selected. Hopfully that will help this error.



[ERROR] SQL 1101 in ALTER TABLE `ps_cart` CHANGE `delivery_option` `delivery_option` TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '': BLOB/TEXT column 'delivery_option' can't have a default value

Warning detected during upgrade.


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OK, this update went better,


Still received error,



[ERROR] SQL 1101 in ALTER TABLE `ps_cart` CHANGE `delivery_option` `delivery_option` TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '': BLOB/TEXT column 'delivery_option' can't have a default value

Warning detected during upgrade.


Even though I had modified the file before the upgrade.


The problem I had with adding an item to the jquery cart - turns out that is a bug in both and in that if you do not enter a price for the product, customers will be able to add the item to the cart, but no thumbnail and no remove selector.


But at least for now I'm back to testing PS V1.5.3.0. I really want to use it, all the bugs fix listed in change log. I want that.

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I change , delete rewrite rules in Prestashop 1.5.3



But always the same structure appears, someone else with the same problem? pretty serious bug in production shops that have custom url


Pleas help


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I had the same problem after update to 1.5.3 version. Missing subcategories from blockcategories.


I have solved this problem in my e-shop. I have uninstall blockcategories module and after install again. After this module start works correct.




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I change , delete rewrite rules in Prestashop 1.5.3



But always the same structure appears, someone else with the same problem? pretty serious bug in production shops that have custom url


go to classes/Dispatcher.php to line 123 and change it there. It is hardcoded now, so just change it there.

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I thought I had everything working in PS V1.5.3.0 but when I create a new product and then try to add it to the jquery blockcart it doesn't put in the thumbnail image. It also doesn't created the small "X" so you can remove the product from the cart. If you move to a new page the image then shows in the cart but the product remove selector remains missing.


That's it for me ... back to V


I wonder how long before the Prestashop Team starts talking to us and giving some sort of guidance? Anything would be greatly appreciated. Heads in the sand is not helping.


OMG! I have the same problem and thought that it was because of my theme.

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Well, I just upgrade from 1.5.2 to 1.5.3 and it seems the tinymce is not loaded if we're using Chrome. The sub menu in the product page (price, associations, combinations, etc) isnt working at all :-D


Anybody has the same issue ?


Just erase the memory (cash and History) browser and it's ok

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Didn't work for , got an error message:





SQL query:

ALTER TABLE ps_product ADD COLUMN redirect_type INT( 10 ) ;


MySQL said: b_help.png

#1046 - No database selected


Cant add product to cart either




If you are using a Host like BlueHost....My Database name is pr*_1 not ps*_1 so, I had to edit the patch code to:



ALTER TABLE `pr_product_shop` ADD `redirect_type` ENUM('', '404', '301', '302') NOT NULL DEFAULT '' AFTER `active` ;

ALTER TABLE `pr_product` ADD `redirect_type` ENUM('', '404', '301', '302') NOT NULL DEFAULT '' AFTER `active` ;

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Now I can not access my site.....this is the error log


[31-Dec-2012 00:27:09] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Link to database cannot be established: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2005] Unknown MySQL server host '_DB_SERVER_' (0) thrown in /home5/uavobjec/public_html/classes/db/DbPDO.php on line 58

Edited by kwells (see edit history)
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Now I can not access my site.....this is the error log


[31-Dec-2012 00:27:09] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Link to database cannot be established: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2005] Unknown MySQL server host '_DB_SERVER_' (0) thrown in /home5/uavobjec/public_html/classes/db/DbPDO.php on line 58


Better just roll back your backup and stay with 1.5.2 until 1.5.4 comes (hopefully with smaller amount of bugs)

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Thanks premanshu, I'm going to add these changes to a table and then run the upgrade. See if that will do it. Maybe because those are not present during the upgrade other things are messing up.


and alter ps_cart table first, change row delivery_option to Type: text, Default none and Null should not be selected. Hopfully that will help this error.




I did this as well.....Now I'm running again!....Wow! what a friggin ordeal....Thanks to the Guys here...You Rock!

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go to classes/Dispatcher.php to line 123 and change it there. It is hardcoded now, so just change it there.


thx !! saved me. But why is it harcoded now? All my old links are www.site.com/product-id.htm and not as it is done in 1.5.3. So I returned to 1.5.2 waiting better days if any.

So BO Preferences-SEO doesn't have any impact?

Thx guys for all your help

Edited by Hacheman (see edit history)
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I took a leap and did the upgrade using 1click module.


I can't see any problems except the product edit bug (which I fixed following the recommended way)


I'm noticing few more rows for translation, new horizontal menu look, new email colour features.


I can't see how it's better in terms of SEO and stuff but..


It still doesn't work on my host with browser caching enabled.

Fixed bug when clicking on paypal logo. Still have 'currency not supported error' in PayPal.

Still have 'free shipping' on some carriers if all carriers in all products are not selected (opposing on the description under the box) - bug.

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There is also another sql step in my view which is needed and not being done during update. "outstanding_allow_amount1530();" step of upgrade run on wrong table ps_address and hence results in doing nothing. After doing manual check I found that column "outstanding_allow_amount" is part of ps_customer table. So you might also need to run below sql to make the changes required by step "outstanding_allow_amount1530();".


ALTER TABLE `ps_customer` CHANGE  `outstanding_allow_amount` `outstanding_allow_amount` DECIMAL(20, 6) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.000000;
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Ok.. Just to make it more easier for everyone here is the manual upgrade steps I have created on my test site (now working fine on 1.5.3) to upgrade my live site from 1.5.2 to 1.5.3.. You can refer to these tables structures if these have been correctly updated or not after upgrade. Change ps_ with your table prefix.


Important Note: These steps are valid only for upgrade from 1.5.2 to 1.5.3 and use it at your own risk. Do not hold me responsible.


SET NAMES 'utf8';

ALTER TABLE `ps_customer` CHANGE  `outstanding_allow_amount` `outstanding_allow_amount` DECIMAL(20, 6) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.000000;

UPDATE `ps_order_state` SET `delivery` = 0 WHERE `id_order_state` = 3;

ALTER TABLE  `ps_product_shop` ADD `id_product_redirected` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0' AFTER `active` ;

ALTER TABLE  `ps_product` ADD `id_product_redirected` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0' AFTER `active` ;

ALTER TABLE  `ps_product_shop` ADD `redirect_type` ENUM('', '404', '301', '302') NOT NULL DEFAULT '' AFTER `active` ;

ALTER TABLE  `ps_product` ADD `redirect_type` ENUM('', '404', '301', '302') NOT NULL DEFAULT '' AFTER `active` ;

UPDATE `ps_order_state` SET `send_email` = 1 WHERE `id_order_state` = (SELECT `value` FROM `ps_configuration` WHERE `name` = 'PS_OS_WS_PAYMENT' LIMIT 1);

UPDATE `ps_order_state_lang` SET `template` = 'payment' WHERE `id_order_state` = (SELECT `value` FROM `ps_configuration` WHERE `name` = 'PS_OS_WS_PAYMENT' LIMIT 1);


INSERT INTO `ps_configuration`(`name`, `value`, `date_add`, `date_upd`) VALUES ('PS_MAIL_COLOR', '#db3484', NOW(), NOW());

ALTER TABLE `ps_order_cart_rule` CHANGE `name` `name` VARCHAR(254);

ALTER TABLE `ps_cart` CHANGE `delivery_option` `delivery_option` TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '';

ALTER TABLE `ps_currency_shop` ADD `conversion_rate` DECIMAL( 13, 6 ) NOT NULL;

UPDATE `ps_currency_shop` a SET `conversion_rate` = (SELECT `conversion_rate` FROM `ps_currency` b WHERE a.id_currency = b.id_currency);

INSERT INTO `ps_configuration`(`name`, `value`, `id_shop`, `id_shop_group`, `date_add`, `date_upd`)
(SELECT 'PS_GIFT_WRAPPING_TAX_RULES_GROUP', b.`id_tax_rules_group`, a.`id_shop`, a.`id_shop_group`, NOW(), NOW()
 FROM `ps_configuration` a
 JOIN `ps_tax_rule` b ON (a.value = b.id_tax)
 GROUP BY a.`id_shop`, a.`id_shop_group`

DELETE FROM `ps_configuration` WHERE name='PS_GIFT_WRAPPING_TAX';

ALTER TABLE  `ps_cart_rule` ADD `highlight` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default 0 AFTER `gift_product_attribute`;

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I have run the sql command



alter table ps_product add column redirect_type int (10) ;

alter table ps_product_shop add column redirect_type int (10) ;


And this is what it gave me.


#1060 - Duplicate column name 'redirect_type'


please any suggestions...

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Error during download

downloading from http://www.prestashop.com/download/releases/prestashop_1.5.3.1.zip


md5 will be checked against c7490320cf300a0791da3d0a94637fc3


downloading from http://www.prestashop.com/download/releases/prestashop_1.5.3.1.zip


file will be saved in /home/x17elctr/public_html/prestatest/admintest/autoupgrade/download/prestashop.zip


Error during download


When i try to update from 1.5.2 to 1.5.3 .

How can this be fixed ?

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I have run the sql command



alter table ps_product add column redirect_type int (10) ;

alter table ps_product_shop add column redirect_type int (10) ;


And this is what it gave me.


#1060 - Duplicate column name 'redirect_type'


please any suggestions...


Same issue,

Quite a gamestopper, this one.. :-)

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Well, I've ended up doing what a lot of others here have done - rolled back to


It's a shame because it looked like there were some nice additional features in there. However, as it broke more than it fixed, and I really have to get this site up and running before our existing site stops running (will effectively be switched off by PHP upgrade on server).


Of course, the problem now is I'm back to tussling with the bugs in that version! I've just discovered that any product with a weight equal to the upper limit of a range [0.001 - 0.100 kgs | product weight 0.100 Kgs] results in Free Shipping!!


Now I have to hunt for the code that says < instead of <=

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Better just roll back your backup and stay with 1.5.2 until 1.5.4 comes (hopefully with smaller amount of bugs)


I've been reading about all the errors/bugs, and i think i will wait for another release to upgrade. I'll stay with 1.5.2 so far.

I can't see the major benefits for upgrading to 1.5.3 anyway...

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I have run the sql command



alter table ps_product add column redirect_type int (10) ;

alter table ps_product_shop add column redirect_type int (10) ;


And this is what it gave me.


#1060 - Duplicate column name 'redirect_type'


please any suggestions...


@epicos, @billyhc: this means that the column 'redirect_type' already exist in your db.

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EDIT: (disregard the message bellow) - clean install of ps 152, imported db, upgraded to works.


In Presta I have a problem with adding and modifying products:

- An error occurred while updating object. product ()


I tried the following, nothing works:


alter table ps_product add column redirect_type int (10) ;# 449 rows affected.

alter table ps_product_shop add column redirect_type int (10) ;# 449 rows affected.



alter table ps_product DROP column redirect_type ;

alter table ps_product_shop DROP column redirect_type ;



ALTER TABLE ps_product ADD `redirect_type` ENUM('', '404', '301', '302') NOT NULL DEFAULT '' AFTER `active` ;

ALTER TABLE ps_product_shop ADD `redirect_type` ENUM('', '404', '301', '302') NOT NULL DEFAULT '' AFTER `active` ;


The DB was populated using Presta 1.5.2. As you can see, there are 449 products.


Any suggestion, please?

Edited by igor.i (see edit history)
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Well, I've ended up doing what a lot of others here have done - rolled back to


It's a shame because it looked like there were some nice additional features in there. However, as it broke more than it fixed, and I really have to get this site up and running before our existing site stops running (will effectively be switched off by PHP upgrade on server).


Of course, the problem now is I'm back to tussling with the bugs in that version! I've just discovered that any product with a weight equal to the upper limit of a range [0.001 - 0.100 kgs | product weight 0.100 Kgs] results in Free Shipping!!


Now I have to hunt for the code that says < instead of <=


This is normal if that is the only weight range you have, Prestashop uses an include/exclude form of weight ranges.

Like this, from and including 0.001 up to but excluding 0.100 so an item that weighed 0.100 would fall to the next weight range.


set ranges like this.

0.00 - 0.100

0.100 - 0.200

0.200 - .0300

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Yes, use MyPHPAdmin, go to your database, choose SQL tab and paste this:

alter table ps_product add column redirect_type int (10) ;
alter table ps_product_shop add column redirect_type int (10) ;

then click GO button on the bottom right.




Just some tags for easier search, a lot of people will have that issue:

- An error occurred while updating object. product ()

- modify product error

- add product error

- redirect product error

- prestashop 1.5.3


The solution works for me as well!!! Great !! for the time being........ :)

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I tried manual l update of database as per :


Yes, use MyPHPAdmin, go to your database, choose SQL tab and paste this:


alter table ps_product add column redirect_type int (10) ;

alter table ps_product_shop add column redirect_type int (10) ;

then click GO button on the bottom right.


but i was still getting error - line duplicate. I reverted back to 1.5.2 and updated again to 1.5.3 today- for now it works perfect. I can add and edit products. I did not have to manually change the database after this update. Maybe Presta guys corrected their update after so many people reported the same problem?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I just upgrade from 1.5.2 to 1.5.3 and it seems the tinymce is not loaded if we're using Chrome. The sub menu in the product page (price, associations, combinations, etc) isnt working at all :-D


Anybody has the same issue ?




Have you resolved this issue. I also have the same problem. Please help me.




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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, I'm also getting this error after an upgrade to - An error occurred while updating object. product ()

I tried the phpMyAdmin fix (adding redirect_type) to pr_product & pr_product_shop but it didn't make any difference. We're trying like crazy to get our shop working but so far it's been one thing after another :( -- please help!


Update: Used the fix suggested by Anat in #28 - now it's working like a charm. Should have double checked this entire thread first -- sorry, guys.


And thanks, you're the best! I've found more solutions here than I ever have over @ Forge ;)

Edited by redalice734 (see edit history)
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  • 4 months later...

Hey guys I'm new to all this so please bare with me.


I tried this solution :

alter table ps_product add column redirect_type int (10) ;

alter table ps_product_shop add column redirect_type int (10) ;


but it didn't work for me and I still cannot add new products or new categories..

all i can do is modify the sample products..

please help I got the shop online and I'm already behind schedule.

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