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  1. Hello Henrik, a correct import of customer passwords is quite easy. Just follow @DataKick's advices in this thread: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/621031-solved-passwords-do-not-work-after-migrating-customers-to-another-shop/
  2. I don't know what selectshop.at is talking about, but I know for sure that this is a (symfony) bug. If this type of DBAL error occurs during database introspection then a developer usually has forgotten to register all database types for a doctrine type. You better wait until this bug is solved, hopefully with a forthcoming upgrade because this release seems to cause problems almost everywhere when you try to upgrade to
  3. Take a look into the module's mails directory. If there is no folder for your own shop language then create one and copy the mails from the directory en into this folder. This should solve the problem.
  4. Create_function est obsolète, et il y a aussi d'autres changements à noter. Les correctifs mis à jour pour Prestashop 1.5 et 1.6 peuvent être trouvés ici : http://ps.multimedia-bodensee.de/index.php/prestashop-tutorials/prestashop-tricks-tipps/item/6-anpassung-prestashop-1-5-6-2-und-1-6-1x-an-php-7-2
  5. Désolé, je suppose qu'il était trop tôt ce matin. Il faut la modifier à ce point-ci : public function initBreadcrumbs($tab_id = null, $tabs = null) { // adapted to PHP 7.2 by eleazar //if (is_array($tabs) || count($tabs)) { if (is_array($tabs) && count($tabs)) { $tabs = array(); }
  6. Wrong! The linked topic is valid for every version >= and uses @doekia's code from here: https://area51.enter-solutions.com/snippets/122
  7. Pour éviter le message de warning, la fonction doit être légèrement étendue : if (is_array($tabs) || count($tabs)) {
  8. How did you come up with the idea to migrate a big shop to Prestashop 1.7? Why not at least move to a mature version like 1.6? Anyway, not my problem! Did you deactivate the HTML Purifier in the shop settings? If not, give it a try. But even then I doubt that 1.7 can handle such a large amount of inline css. Hopefully 1.6 does. And btw this is a user forum. Bug fixes are always welcome here, but this is not the right place for bug reports. ThoseThose belong to Github/prestashop.
  9. Maybe you missed something when copying, or part of the former code wasn't correctly removed or you deleted too much by accident. And btw it seems that the forum administration has made some changes to the quotes, which are either no longer encoded as pure UTF-8, but as UTF-8 BOM instead, or contain non-visible characters of a wrong character set when copied. Thus a simple copy & paste sometimes doesn't work and you first have to convert the copied text into pure UTF-8 code (e.g. with Notepad++). The upgrade suggested by @selectshop.at unfortunately comes along with new problems. For example, it is no longer possible for the customer to abbreviate his first name with a dot. So you better apply @doekia's solution. When applied correctly it works perfect.
  10. You find the style sheet in a kind of pseudo css file called invoice.style-tab.tpl in the pdf directory. Or you modify directly the invoice.addresses-tab.tpl. Best way for changes is not to modify directly in the original directory, but to copy the files to a new directory pdf in your theme dir. Otherwise your changes will be lost after the next upgrade ( which hopefully comes). You can create here as many invoice templates as you like, even as a single file, as long as you rename them (must be different from invoice). Afterwards choose your active invoice template in /orders/invoices. Same drop down like for invoice and invoice-B2B.
  11. Excerpts from the PrestaShop Forum Rules: Respect the forum languagePrestaShop brings together communities from around the world; the forums are divided into different languages.Thank you for posting in the corresponding language to that forum. Detailed questions and postsPlease provide details in your posts; You will obtain responses more rapidly and more easily, instead of additional questions.Here is a list of information that could be useful:Installation type (new/update):PrestaShop version:Theme (default/customized):Code (original/modified):Hosting:PHP version:MySQL version:
  12. I guess that's where we're differ. From the merchant's point of view, any bug that prevents him for a long while from running his business optimally is critical, and not trivial! He doesn't care whether the programmers remove a few blanks here and there or indent a passage for the sake of the flawlessness of the code. His or her business is in the real world. And it's all about the shop running without your hair standing on end. Yes, every day many of those happy users report new bugs and problems in the PrestaShop forum. 😊 Where are there positive discussions? This was once the case in this forum - but quite a while before you joined Prestashop. Believe it or not: I still love Prestashop (except 1.7). But, no offence, I've heard this praise of the many big successful 1.5 or 1.6 or 1.7 shops (allways without naming any well-known name) for years now. Your predecessors have sung this song, too. Step by step it's just annoying, because Prestashop's market share seems to have been stagnating for years. This is the truth about 1.7:
  13. I assume it's your business to make such statements to calm annoyed users. That's ok for me, somebody has to do this job.. But by reading the Github thread carefully, you might have noticed that this bug exists since, i.e. since 10 months, and is still not fixed. So tell me: For what reason should we believe you now? Or would you agree to @Petike_baba, that this is due to the fact that 1.7 is still a beta and not ready for production mode?
  14. Hello @Casper_O thank you for your solution at Github, which will certainly help many of us who still stick to 1.6: https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/pull/14023/commits/451b1f827a8a853c249e5199bc9f68bd360cf1d1 It might be a good idea to post such improvements here in the forum in the future. The Prestashop developer team seems to be working hard to make 1.6 as unattractive as possible. Therefore, even known bugs are only fixed in 1.7. However, I dare to doubt that their plans will work. Bit by bit they have to get desperate because even after 2 1/2 years they still haven't managed to release a market-ready stable version of 1.7. Only the clueless guys change to 1.7. Experienced users or agencies (especially in their home country France) avoid this unfinished hybrid version called 1.7.
  15. Mais c'est un problème complètement différent. Ce topic est à propos d'un magasin B2B. Mais dans ton cas, il s'agit de groupes de clients.
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