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How to redirect a url to another so customers never see the redirected url, only the final url?

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Hi, I am having an issue with smartblog module since it creates two url´s with the exact content and not only is not good for google, but it interrupts the module add this button from counting the post shares.

How can I do so that one url gets completely redirected to another so that the customers never see it?



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The first url must be relative, you can get rid of the first part until .com/

Sorry Nemo I dont quite understand. So what should I have typed instead? Maybe like this?:




Also, did I place the code in the right part of the .htaccess file?

Thanks for your support!!

Edited by HHServices (see edit history)
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Great, it works great:

Redirect 301 /en/module/smartblog/category https://www.highesthelp.com/en/psychicblog.html
Redirect 301 /es/module/smartblog/category https://www.highesthelp.com/es/psychicblog.html
I think that I will have to do the same with every post that I place in this blog, because  /en/module/smartblog/category redirects to https://www.highesthelp.com/en/psychicblog.html   but    /en/module/smartblog/category/newpost does not redirect to https://www.highesthelp.com/en/psychicblog/newpost.html
Is there any way to create a rule that covers all new posts?
Thank you.
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You do not have to use that pattern on the end url, just on the first part
you can try with  ^/es/module/smartblog/(a-zA-Z0-9\-)+$ as well
It depends on how the original url is anyway, like if it has .html or not

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Sorry Nemo, I think that i didnt explain myself well. These redirections are for the smartblog module because every time that I create a post with it, it creates automatically two url´s with the same content. One with a prettier url than the other, so I was trying to find out if I could create a rule so that everytime that I create a post it automatically redirects one of the newly created url´s to the other one (the prettiest).



I created a post and it made these url´s:




I want to create many posts, so redirecting manually each post on every language after I create it will en up tiring.

Do you think that I could create a rule for future posts? (each post with a different final url...)


Thank you Nemo!!

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