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Prices only display tax when logged in - I need prices to include tax for visitors too

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Hi everyone,


I have a custom store, and while testing on localhost it seems that the prices only display with tax included once you're logged in.


I have just 1 tax rate which I created and I applied the tax rule to all countries.


But when I check out my store all prices display without tax. When I log in then the prices start to include tax.


How do I fix this issue?

Someone please help!!

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After running Prestashop for just over a month I hadn't noticed that prices were shown with tax when not logged in, and as a visitor.


It was set this way for the visitor group so I changed and it solved it.


But my question has to do with what my visitors saw if they were not in California.


I am in California, and though i didnt want it this way, I did see price with proper tax. My localization is default country USA. My question is if Presta knows if a visitor is in USA but if they were in any other state did they see California tax, or the proper tax of 0% for their state?



I am trying to gauge if they were seeng any tax on the price before I fixed, and now that it is corrected.



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