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2 things that iwant to change in my site!

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hi all,


i attached a screen shot of a product page ,


i would like to do 2 things.


1. change the size of the square that holds the image, beacuse my size of images is smaller and there is a white space between the upper edge of the image and the square..


2. i would like to del the print now and see full size functions from the products pages.

how do i do that?


site url: http://oritschatzmanstore.com





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hi all,


i attached a screen shot of a product page ,


i would like to do 2 things.


1. change the size of the square that holds the image, beacuse my size of images is smaller and there is a white space between the upper edge of the image and the square..


2. i would like to del the print now and see full size functions from the products pages.

how do i do that?


site url: http://oritschatzmanstore.com





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in my theme /js folder there is not products.tpl.


in the theme folder there is products.tpl , tried to change that and del the view and print function but its still showing up.


Can you please enable Force Compile under Preferences > Performance and let me know if that fixes it for you?



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In that products.tpl file, please be sure that you've actually deleted this entire string:


usefull links-->
 <ul id="usefull_link_block">
  <li><a href="javascript:print();">{l s='Print'}</a><br class="clear" /></li>
  {if $have_image && !$jqZoomEnabled}
  <li><span id="view_full_size" class="span_link">{l s='View full size'}</span></li>


I hope this helps.



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This is a forum for Prestashop help, we don't need bad language on here. I have edited your post and removed the swearing, anymore will get you banned.



Make sure you didnt delete the

[code}</div>[/code] that would be under the code that Mike showed above. That is why your right column and left column have merged into one.

It should look something like the code below

{if isset($images) && count($images) > 3}<a id="view_scroll_right" title="{l s='Other views'}" href="javascript:{ldelim}{rdelim}">{l s='Next'}</a>{/if}
{if isset($images) && count($images) > 1}<p class="align_center clear"><span id="wrapResetImages" style="display: none;"><img src="{$img_dir}icon/cancel_16x18.gif" alt="{l s='Cancel'}" width="16" height="18"/> <a id="resetImages" href="{$link->getProductLink($product)}" onclick="$('span#wrapResetImages').hide('slow');return (false);">{l s='Display all pictures'}</a></span></p>{/if}


<!-- left infos-->
<div id="pb-left-column">

{if isset($colors) && $colors}

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This is a forum for Prestashop help, we don't need bad language on here. I have edited your post and removed the swearing, anymore will get you banned.



Make sure you didnt delete the

[code}</div>[/code] that would be under the code that Mike showed above. That is why your right column and left column have merged into one.

It should look something like the code below

{if isset($images) && count($images) > 3}<a id="view_scroll_right" title="{l s='Other views'}" href="javascript:{ldelim}{rdelim}">{l s='Next'}</a>{/if}
{if isset($images) && count($images) > 1}<p class="align_center clear"><span id="wrapResetImages" style="display: none;"><img src="{$img_dir}icon/cancel_16x18.gif" alt="{l s='Cancel'}" width="16" height="18"/> <a id="resetImages" href="{$link->getProductLink($product)}" onclick="$('span#wrapResetImages').hide('slow');return (false);">{l s='Display all pictures'}</a></span></p>{/if}


<!-- left infos-->
<div id="pb-left-column">

{if isset($colors) && $colors}

indeed the </div> was missing, but i added it and its still not working,


i attached my product.tpl file here. just change the .zip to .tpl.


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ok, del the cache and compile and it came back to normal.


but now the like button that i add an send to friend is missing.

That's because the section that you delete included the hook for extra left.


Insert this section back into your product.tpl file


<!--usefull links-->
 <ul id="usefull_link_block">

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now for the second problem,


about the white space in the images.


i attached a photo of my admin panel , image section.


i try to edit it and still it remain the same with this white space.


the original photo uploaded to the site is 800*600.

so i think its need to keep the same proportion ? no?post-288012-0-46301200-1319973911_thumb.jpg

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now for the second problem,


about the white space in the images.


i attached a photo of my admin panel , image section.


i try to edit it and still it remain the same with this white space.


the original photo uploaded to the site is 800*600.

so i think its need to keep the same proportion ? no?post-288012-0-46301200-1319973911_thumb.jpg


Hi metalice,

Per the rules of the PrestaShop forums, please post your second question as a separate thread.



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