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  1. Past hour
  2. If hosting also forcing you to change PHP. Better find another one either consider upgrading.
  3. Hello community, We have launched a new version of our module One Page Checkout PS PrestaShop 8 & 1.7 v4.2.3 (05/10/2024) - Errors fixed: - The display issue for the "Paypal" module for visitors has been definitively resolved. Checkout 5.0 - Errors fixed: - Fixed the issue where the social login popup wouldn't close and refresh the page with the customer logged in. - Removed the option to set "stripe_official" as the default payment method due to compatibility issues. - Fixed the issue where the "stsitebuilder" module's custom header and footer weren't loading on the checkout page. - Addressed issues identified with "Paypal Express Checkout". - Resolved the "Invalid Captcha" issue when login failed. Best regards.
  4. Hi, There are alternatives to reCaptcha that are fully functional and effective on the subject covered here. The advantage is that you don't have to depend on Google and use your visitors' data.
  5. Hi, PrestaShop is not compatible with this version of PHP :
  6. Today
  7. Hello, Thanks for showing interest in our module. Yes you can choose the theme for specific occasions, we have multiple themes available for different occasions, like Christmas, Halloween, New Year, Valentine's Day and many more.
  8. Hello, Our module supports the majority of the payment and shipping methods. Please check the demo of the module and once you install the module on your payment and shipping methods on your website will show in our module and in case of any issues, please feel free to reach out to our support team.
  9. Maybe your theme does not have the required hook, try this instruction: https://greenmousestudio.com/en/cat-desc
  10. Estas en lo correcto. Ya pude encontrar los registros, solo no tenía ordenada la tabla. Muchas gracias a todos por la ayuda.
  11. Al crear la nueva tienda hay que configurar si la nueva tienda a compartir el stock con otras tiendas del mismo grupo, tabla shop_group, columna share_stock. En ese caso en stock_available los registros de productos y combinaciones se registraran de manera única con id_shop 0. Si no se requiere que se comparte el stock con otras tiendas del mismo grupo, será necesario modificar la configuración y desde base de datos en stock_available modificar/añadir el id_shop, por el correspondiente a cada tienda,
  12. como puedo contactar con vosotros, para ver si podéis ayudarme, Saludos, Paki
  13. Hi! If you encounter any issues with the module I invite you to write our support team detailing your request. https://addons.prestashop.com/en/contact-us?id_product=1748 Please note that initially this post was concerning version 5.6.7. of the module which now is considered outdated. Sometimes, all that is needed is a simple upgrade. Otherwise, please, contact us and we will be glad to help you. Regards, Daria 202-ecommerce
  14. Hola Pepe Fernandez, Te escribo para agradecerte por esta solución, has salvado a mi compañía de TRANSPORTISTAS, gracias a ti podremos filmar la nueva pelicula "Transporter 7" con Jason Statham, ya que está barrera de traducción hacia que no pudiésemos transportar como toca. Te hemos dedicado una canción, por favor, lee la letra de la canción que te hemos dedicado: Una vez, gracias por esta solución, nos has salvado la vida.
  15. i tried again, and i culd not connect php version is 7.4.33
  16. 3.0.3 - 05/10/2024 Fixed a bug limiting the processing of certain scenarios Separation of scenarios to avoid data consistency bottlenecks DataTables library updated to version 2.0.7
  17. 3.0.3 - 10/05/2024 Correction d'un bug limitant le traitement de certains scénarios Séparation des scénarios pour éviter les goulets d'étranglement liés à la cohérence des données Mise à jour de la bibliothèque DataTables vers la version 2.0.7
  18. Verify database login details in file. should work on MySql 8.
  19. En esa tabla no se encuentran los stocks asignados para cada combinación en cada tienda. He notado que al cambiar el stock de forma manual desde el Back office de una combinación en una tienda se actualiza el campo "quantity" de la tabla "ps_product_attribute". Pisando el dato anterior. Pero al usar las multitiendas en el front los datos asignados están correctos y no se sustituyen. En algún lugar tiene que estar quedando un registro pero no lo encuentro
  20. la sauvegarde ftp est trop récente. aucune réponse de relais colis le site est toujours hs. voici le code de l'erreur symphony si quelqu'un a une piste svp 🤔 An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template (_Unable to generate a URL for the named route _admin_relaiscolis_config_index_ as such route does not exist._). (500 Internal Server Error).pdf
  21. the site is hosted on siteground. in a few days mysql will be upadated from MySql 5.7 to MySql 8 to check the situation, we set an hosting with MySql 8 we are installing on it Prestashop During the installation , we got the error "Not connected to database server. Verify user, password and server (DbPDO)" anyone can help?
  22. Deberías dar de alta tu pagina en Google Search Console para que tengas un reporte mas detallado de que se esta indexando en tu sitio o no.
  23. Hi. I have updated prestools (Prestashop version: Prestools version 1.34b. Release date: 4-may-2024. PHP version 7.0.33 and MySQL version 10.1.26) I have found that when I try to update the short description (description_short field) there is a limit in the length of the field and I receive a warning and can not update Warning says i.e. : "The description_short field is too long. The length is 2858. The maximum allowed length is 800." With previous version I used to update this field and other fields containing html without that limitation Any suggestion on this? Thanks in advance!
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