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Zohaib-fk last won the day on October 23 2023

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About Zohaib-fk

  • Birthday 09/17/1982

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    We have addons in various categories to provide extra features at a reasonable price and the best quality. Support in addons installation & customization.Blogs video tutorials on tasks.Modules on Addons Marketplace. Customer's success is our satisfaction
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    Marketing / SEO Agency
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  1. Hi, You can use the phpinfo() function in any file to see php values, after updating values in the php.ini file, need to restart the local server. Below is the example code, I attached a screenshot for your reference and a link from my website. https://www.hrms-systems.com/info.php In web hosting cpanel,php settings will help to update php configuration values. <?php // Show all information, defaults to INFO_ALL phpinfo(); // Show just the module information. // phpinfo(8) yields identical results. phpinfo(INFO_MODULES); ?>
  2. Bonjour, Vous pouvez définir la redirection depuis l'hébergement Web Cpanel, certains hébergements Web offrent des fonctionnalités de redirection de page personnalisée. Le htaccess est également une bonne alternative. En outre, vous pouvez définir le fichier tpl du thème de catégorie de condition, par exemple si la condition et rediriger si la condition est vraie à l'aide du code de redirection HTML/Javascript. J'ai le module ci-dessous pour la redirection de page personnalisée. https://www.presta-addons-modules.com/fr/front-office/prestashop-seo-redirections-of-pages-management.html
  3. Hi, You can try stopping all long running process from the control panel which consume more CPU, the same as we do on Windows tasks manager. Also, the web hosting support team via chat support can help to know which process takes more RAM or CPU usage. I can see CPU usage graphs and stop processes from my Cpanel, attached a screenshot for your reference.
  4. Hi, Can you can check ps_product table columns values (available_for_order,visibility,active,indexed) values. Attached screenshot for your reference.
  5. Hi, You can try enabling maintenance mode from the code as per the below PHP script example. Create a PHP script in your PrestaShop root directory (for example maintenance.php) with the following code: <?php include_once('config/config.inc.php'); include_once('init.php'); if (!defined('_PS_VERSION_')) { exit; } // Define the path to your PrestaShop config file define('_PS_ROOT_DIR_', __DIR__); // Include the PrestaShop configuration include(_PS_ROOT_DIR_.'/config/config.inc.php'); // Enable maintenance mode Configuration::updateValue('PS_SHOP_ENABLE', 0); // Display a message to inform visitors Tools::displayMaintenancePage(); // This script should not be accessible directly in the browser, so exit here exit; ?> This script includes the PrestaShop configuration, updates the 'PS_SHOP_ENABLE' configuration value to 0 (maintenance mode enabled), and then displays the maintenance page using Tools::displayMaintenancePage(). To disable maintenance mode and make your store accessible again, set the 'PS_SHOP_ENABLE' configuration value back to 1 (enabled).
  6. Hi Mitconsulting, You can find your website pages on Google search using keyword "site:www.fashiongriffe.com", attached is a screenshot for your reference, Also, you can use the inspection tool in the Google Search console. I have below 2 modules on the addons marketplace for fast indexing. The API services are from Google websites. [1]. Automatic Ping Services Integration https://addons.prestashop.com/en/seo-natural-search-engine-optimization/91680-automatic-ping-services-integration.html [2]. SEO Google Indexing API Integration https://addons.prestashop.com/en/seo-natural-search-engine-optimization/91461-seo-google-indexing-api.html
  7. Hi, You can check the page title of your website pages, if there are any pages having capital letters and update accordingly. The Google bots crawl website pages and add information in search as found on website pages' source code. Screaming Frog SEO Spider tool can help to know the page title of all website pages easily, below is the link. https://www.screamingfrog.co.uk/seo-spider/
  8. Bonjour, Certaines fonctions ne fonctionnent pas sur différentes versions de PHP. Peut être obsolète. Par conséquent, vous devrez peut-être mettre à jour le code s'il existe des fonctions non prises en charge liées à des bogues dans la version PHP. De plus, si vous obtenez une erreur sur le module payant, vous pouvez demander l'assistance du développeur pour mettre à jour le module selon votre version PHP et votre version PS.
  9. Hi, You can check the error log what is the exact error message to know what it is going wrong with the SMP or PS version or Anything else. You can try a simple PHP script with PHPMailer details to send emails. I have an instructional video on this topic => [41]. Prestashop how to configure and use SMTP settings for emails.
  10. Hi, You can find schema-related files at location psoot\themes\yourtheme\templates\_partials\microdata I have a schema module on the marketplace which solves all issues in google testing tools. Attached is a screenshot for your reference.
  11. Hello, Thanks for your message. Do you know which function is used in the admin controller to perform search operations on fields. I want to write the same in my admin controller like other functions. Like other functions "initToolbar","renderForm","postProcess" etc
  12. Hola, Según su primer mensaje en la publicación sobre el error 403, puede restablecer el permiso predeterminado para todos los archivos y carpetas utilizando el soporte de alojamiento web o cpanel. Puede utilizar Filezilla para establecer permisos para archivos y carpetas. El código de estado de respuesta HTTP 403 Prohibido indica que el servidor comprende la solicitud pero se niega a autorizarla. Además, puede probar el permiso 755 usando FTP en el directorio de módulos para realizar el proceso de actualización.
  13. Ciao, È necessario cercare il codice responsabile della visualizzazione del pulsante dei social media nei file dei temi oppure l'editor dei temi, se disponibile, può aiutare a modificare il codice. Puoi utilizzare un sublime editor di testo o notepad++ per cercare nella cartella del tema il codice richiesto e aggiornarlo di conseguenza. Se si tratta di un tema a pagamento, lo sviluppatore del tema può aiutare a risolvere il problema.
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