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Letting customer to select a customer group at the registration

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Is it possible to let customers to select a customer group when they register with the site?

What I'm thinking is to add a pulldown to the registration page. This will have all the customer groups that I have made in the back office. Then customers can select an appropriate group he or she belongs when they register with the shop along with other details.

Is this possible at all? I'm fairly comfortable with PHP so I'll have a go if I need to change the code.

Thanks in advance,


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OH!! i am become very upset by playing arround 5 days for this feature, but can;t get any solution.

But i already set a drop down in account create page, and it works to insert customer group id from a groups array like {$groups->name}, But i cannot call all the groups by id_lang, it comes by group_id.

$groups = new Group($cookie->id_lang);
$smarty->assign( array(
                   'groupsName'=> $groups->name,
                   'groupsID' => $groups->id));

This code return all the group name which group_id is 1, it seems that the $cookie->id_lang is 1 and it match with group_id, it shoul be match with id_lang then it will show all the group name by id_lang..

I am little closer to solve this but just loose the way...

Please can anybody help

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