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Where see IP address of customer

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  • 1 year later...

Same here.




I ckecked the tables connections and connections_source. The latest registry was done in 2016 February. Seems stopped to log on this table.


The order details page do not show the source.


Surprised to see there are no native modules for such very basic tool.


BTW, we have a third party option: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/303230-free-module-order-ip-address-verification-avoid-fraud-chargebacks-unhappy-customers/

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NemoPS, i have this module instaled and active


Data mining for statistics v1.5.0 - by PrestaShop


But yesterday i noticed the last log was in 2016 February.


I have no idea why not saving the logs. I never turned off this module.


My specific problem is about 1 customer making fraudulent orders with stolen credit cards. I need to send some details to local police department.


I need more details like IP address, proxy, etc.. But as i said before, the PS native modules are not working.. And, even if was working, the log information is so poor .. not enough..

For example, saving only IP address and HTTP_REFERRER is not enough.

The module datastats is not reliable.


I'm building myself a new module.

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