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[Solved] Need some guidance on backward compatibility

MEG Venture

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When I use the validator, I get the "Use of globals is forbidden" message for two lines. I declare global smarty in those two places. This is because my module is compatible from 1.4 through 1.6. Therefore it is technically declined. I believe that for 1.4, I need to keep those two lines. What can I do? 



Edited by MEG Venture (see edit history)
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backward compability is a library that will add support of new functions (from ps 1.6) for "backward" methods used in prestashop 1.4 1.3 1.2. 1.1 1.0

for example, in old ps 1.4 you used global variables like $cookie or $smarty

since 1.5 globals are deprecated, instead of them you have to use context object.


backward compability - in simple words - change old deprecated functions to new from 1.5.x and 1.6.x releases, 

so, the effect is fact that  you can use 1.5.x functions in old releases


check this one:



everything will be clear then :-)

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The backward compatibility is available on prestashop addons for free and maintained by the dev core team. It allows you the use of Context on a 1.1->1.4 module and you include it on your module.



However we know that everybody isn't using it so on our validation (prestashop addons), if we see globals on a module compatible from 1.3 for example, we don't decline it for this reason.

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check how gsitemap or paypal module uses backward compatibility library

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 * Backward function compatibility
 * Need to be called for each module in 1.4

// Get out if the context is already defined
if (!in_array('Context', get_declared_classes()))

// Get out if the Display (BWDisplay to avoid any conflict)) is already defined
if (!in_array('BWDisplay', get_declared_classes()))

// If not under an object we don't have to set the context
if (!isset($this))
else if (isset($this->context))
	// If we are under an 1.5 version and backoffice, we have to set some backward variable
	if (_PS_VERSION_ >= '1.5' && isset($this->context->employee->id) && $this->context->employee->id && isset(AdminController::$currentIndex) && !empty(AdminController::$currentIndex))
		global $currentIndex;
		$currentIndex = AdminController::$currentIndex;

$this->context = Context::getContext();
$this->smarty = $this->context->smarty;

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