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Problem with Google Analytics

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Good morning all,
I have a problem and I hope you can help me because I'm desperate!!

I have installed the google analytics module and entered the the tracking ID (UA-XXXXXXXX-1) in configuration of the module.
But when I go to my google Analytics, in Admin > Property > Tracking info > Tracking code, it says "Status: Tracking Not Installed" and I don't get any data from Ganalytics.

Y have already put "ON" in E-commerce tracking (Admin > View > View settings)

I already uninstall and re-install the module.

I have Prestashop and the module of Ganalytics is version 1.4.4

Thank you very much!!

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Nemo1, I did what you said but when I go to Analytics, in Tracking code still says:


Tracking ID

Status: Tracking Not Installed

Last checked: 13-Jan-2014 02:48:05 PST
The Google Analytics tracking code has not been detected on your website's home page. For Analytics to function, you or your web administrator must add the code to each page of your website.
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It still says:

Tracking ID

Status: Tracking Not Installed

Last checked: 13-Jan-2014 04:43:13 PST
The Google Analytics tracking code has not been detected on your website's home page. For Analytics to function, you or your web administrator must add the code to each page of your website.

But at least when I go to overview > real time, now It shows that I have 1 visitor in my web (that is true) and before that showed always 0!

But it still say my Tracking is not installed, you know what happens?

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And those 4 options under "CCC (Combine, Compress and Cache)" that I disabled ("keep as original")
In prestashop they say that they are for make your website go faster, so I suposse that now is going to be slower. Do you know if I can enable one or more of this 4 options (leting the one that cause problems as "keep as original") or even solve the problem by other ways that dont interfere with the performance of the web?

Thanks a lot!


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Ok, I will see if it works (give me the data), I supose that I have to wait  24-48h to see the data in my Google analytics.

As you said:

yes, it affects performance, it's better to use these options.


What you told me to do has worked (I think), but do you know if I can enable some of those 4 options? Maybe it is only 1 that causes the problem and I disable this one and continue using the other 3

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No!!! :wacko:
It is not working well, becuase I have another tool to see if I have people in my website, and I have seen several times that I have 2 or 3 people in my web and when I go to G analytics to Reporting > Real time > Overview; it says I have 0 people in my web!
Only 1 time said that I have 1 visitor, the rest  of the time always 0 and it's not true! :S

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But now I am worried, because: I noticed that the "Real time" data is not working (in Reporting > Standard reports > Real time). I mean that some times I Know I have 2, 3 or 4 visitors in my web, but Google analytics almost always shows I have 0 visitors (I only saw once that it shows something different to 0).

The real time data are not super important to me, but my concern is that: if Analytics is not registering this visitors in the real time option, maybe it is not registering this visitors in the other reports neither!! And that is very relevant!

Did someone had this problem before? Some advice please?

Thank you very much!

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Hola, El Cuartito diseño, como dices?
Que has activado todas las opciones de CCC y te sigue funcionando el analytics?
Pero entonces que has hecho para que te funcionase? Porque a mi antes no me funcionaba y la solucion que me dieron en este foro fue precisamente deshabilitar esas opciones de CCC! lo hice y me funciono, pero como lo has solucionado tu, sin deshabilitar los CCC?



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Yo simplemente he sustituido el archivo header.tpl que baje del zip por el que tenía colocado el módulo de analytics dentro del directorio modules/ganalytics.

Pase la tienda a modo recompilar (parámetros avanzados /rendimiento) y deshabilite los CCC y luego reinicie el módulo del analytics para que se cargara.

Entre en la tienda y verifique el funcionamiento con el tiempo real del analyticas y funcionaba perfecto incluso entre desde el móvil y me lo indico perfectamente.

Luego volví a (parámetros avanzados /rendimiento)  cambie al modo de no compilar y probé otra vez con el analytics e iba bien, luego por último active los CCC y funciono perfecto.


PD. muy bonita tu tienda.

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Gracias, a ver si este fin de semana que tengo tiempo hago eso que me dices y me funciona tambien!
Como me hizo falta desactivar los CCC para que me funcionase el Analytics, no me habia imaginado que ahora que ya funciona podía volver a activar los CCC y me seguiria funcionando, lo logico es que si los activo otra vez vuelva a no funcionar!
Pero quien entiende a estos ordenadores?? :P

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