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Inconsistent Calculation flow across check-out and invoices

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We have our site up and running (but not officially launched) and while the check-out process itself is fine we have a completely non-consistent order summery from one page/invoice to the next. You will see in the .jpg that the way the order summery (on the shopping cart page) order summer (on the payment page) order history (after order) on the 'details' page and the generated .pdf invoice as well as the e-mail invoice ALL use different calculations and formats and even headings. ITS ALL VERY CONFUSING and should all just be the same.


Our preference would simply to be this:


(the voucher showing the total discount plus shipping is fine in this case it is $7.10)


Total Products: $3.00

Product voucher discount: -$1.50

Total Tax: $0.13

Total Shipping: FREE!


Total: $1.63


The first part is that I need to know what files control each of the (5) different outputs. If you can point me where to edit, at least that is a start. Then if you know what exactly I need to edit - that would be even great!!!











Edited by dsgnmind (see edit history)
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Any help with the following changes would be brilliant!!


1) Order Summery (Root/themes/your-theme/shopping-cart.tpl)


This layout is fine. Would in the future like shipping to say 'FREE!' when the voucher includes free shipping.


2) Payment Summery (Root/modules/egrpaypalpaymentsadvanced/confirm-payment.tpl)




3a) Root/themes/your-theme/order-detail.tpl


Again, just want to match the others

Need to remove 'tax excl.' from Total Products (can do this with translations i guess)

Remove Total products (tax incl.)

ADD line for tax


Here is what I believe is the potion of code for those changes:

{if $priceDisplay && $use_tax}
				<tr class="item">
					<td colspan="{if $return_allowed || $order->hasProductReturned()}{if $order->hasProductReturned() && $return_allowed}7{else}6{/if}{else}5{/if}">
						{l s='Total products (tax excl.):'} <span class="price">{displayWtPriceWithCurrency price=$order->getTotalProductsWithoutTaxes() currency=$currency}</span>
			<tr class="item">
				<td colspan="{if $return_allowed || $order->hasProductReturned()}{if $order->hasProductReturned() && $return_allowed}7{else}6{/if}{else}5{/if}">
					{l s='Total products'} {if $use_tax}{l s='(tax incl.)'}{/if}: <span class="price">{displayWtPriceWithCurrency price=$order->getTotalProductsWithTaxes() currency=$currency}</span>
			{if $order->total_discounts > 0}
			<tr class="item">
				<td colspan="{if $return_allowed || $order->hasProductReturned()}{if $order->hasProductReturned() && $return_allowed}7{else}6{/if}{else}5{/if}">
					{l s='Total vouchers:'} <span class="price-discount">{displayWtPriceWithCurrency price=$order->total_discounts currency=$currency convert=1}</span>
			{if $order->total_wrapping > 0}
			<tr class="item">
				<td colspan="{if $return_allowed || $order->hasProductReturned()}{if $order->hasProductReturned() && $return_allowed}7{else}6{/if}{else}5{/if}">
					{l s='Total gift-wrapping:'} <span class="price-wrapping">{displayWtPriceWithCurrency price=$order->total_wrapping currency=$currency}</span>
			<tr class="item">
				<td colspan="{if $return_allowed || $order->hasProductReturned()}{if $order->hasProductReturned() && $return_allowed}7{else}6{/if}{else}5{/if}">
					{l s='Total shipping'} {if $use_tax}{l s='(tax incl.)'}{/if}: <span class="price-shipping">{displayWtPriceWithCurrency price=$order->total_shipping currency=$currency}</span>
			<tr class="totalprice item">
				<td colspan="{if $return_allowed || $order->hasProductReturned()}{if $order->hasProductReturned() && $return_allowed}7{else}6{/if}{else}5{/if}">
					{l s='Total:'} <span class="price">{displayWtPriceWithCurrency price=$order->total_paid currency=$currency}</span>



I image that the code change for the above might be the same for the invoice to reflect the same info in PDF.php?


4) BO>Translations>E-mailtemplatetranslations

I will work on this.

Edited by dsgnmind (see edit history)
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UPDATE ON #4 (In essence want to replace the gift wrapping line item with the tax on the e-mail conf)


I added this to Payment_Module.php

'{total_tax}' => Tools::displayPrice($order$->total_tax, $this->context->currency, false));

And added {total_tax} where I wanted it to show up on the e-mail, but not getting anything. 

Edited by dsgnmind (see edit history)
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We are running as the site was built when that came out, at this point i'm afraid it will have to stick. Too many small changes on files.


What do you mean invoice and email calc problems?


I've been trying to add sales tax to the e-mail confirmation but it doesn't want to stick. If I replace in the order_conf.html and {value} that is defined in classes/PaymentModule.php and already in use on the e-mail it will duplicate the value but even if I put a different {values} not currently being used on the order_conf.html it just pops up in the e-mail as hard text.

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forgot about PaymentModule.php in the overide classes folder...


I get a number now - but it is not the correct number. It is the tax before voucher when I need the tax AFTER voucher. This is also an issue on the Order Details and the Invoice calculations.


for those two how can I change 

<tr class="item">
				<td colspan="{if $return_allowed || $order->hasProductReturned()}{if $order->hasProductReturned() && $return_allowed}7{else}6{/if}{else}5{/if}">
					{l s='Total products'} {if $use_tax}{l s='(tax incl.)'}{/if}: <span class="price">{displayWtPriceWithCurrency price=$order->getTotalProductsWithTaxes() currency=$currency}</span>

to show the correct tax?



The goal is to get all of this to show exactly as it does on the cart summary.


Total Products (no tax)

- Vouchers

Plus Tax

Plus Shipping

= Total


Even though the MATH is correct for the total the displays are confusing.

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