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[Solved]Place content on different areas of the home page.

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Im trying to build a theme with the following layout


[Top of page/ header bar]

A header bar with the logo,menu,categories drop down menu.


[Home page content]

A banner that occupies the whole width of the page

A "featured products" section below it, which again occupies the whole width.

A section with thumbnail based categories.


[Right column content]

The right column that has "latest products" to the right.


now the html markup I get is something like this.


<div class="header">

A header bar with the logo,menu,categories.



<div id="colums">


<div class="left">



<div class="center">

A banner that occupies the whole width of the page

A "featured products" section below it, which again occupies the whole width.

A section with thumbnail based categories.



<div class="right">

The right column that has "latest products to the right.





Now that the banner and "featured products" occupy the whole width, center div also occupies the whole width. Thus the right column shows below this section. Now the categories thumbnails is in the center div(considering it is hooked to home) and latest products is in the right column (as I need it to display on the right column of each page). I want them to show side by side, however this ain't working out because of the containing divs(center and right).


How do I work around this issue??? as in place a module outside the center div(which has hook_home in it) though it is hooked to home.???


Hope I have need able to keep this question clear and easy to understand.


I have attached a screen shot to better explain what I have... now what Im trying to achieve is more the latest product section up and the categories section besides it to the right. (I'll format the caregories section so 3 thumbnails occupy the space)


Edited by TDsouza (see edit history)
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Sorry for replying so late, I have been having problems with my internet recently. I liked the idea of adding a new hook and think it gets me closer to a solution. However now I face a new challenge.


I have 3 files.

1. Header.tpl:- Contains all the top data, left column div and the opening tag of center column div

2.index.tpl:- Contains the data for center column div

3. Footer.tpl:-Closing tag of center column div and footer elements


Now if I place the hook in header.tpl it will render where I want it to, but I suppose it would render on all pages, how would I ensure that it renders only in the home page?

Edited by TDsouza (see edit history)
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you can create simple if condition:


{if $page_name=='index'}




I had that in mind, but then I might repeat this trick for other pages as well, as in, have a


{if $page_name=='contact'}



etc for other pages. Would that affect performance??? I mean is it an optimum approach???

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Ok I finally found a work around which can be implemented with and without additional hooks.


Basically I changed the markup to something like this



<div id="wrapper">


<div id="menu">




<div id="top">

<p>Banner and other full width content</p>



<div style="clear:both"></div>


<div id="center">

<p>category thumbnails</p>




<div id="left">




<div id="right">





and then added the following css


#wrapper {


margin:0 auto;




#top {






#left {







#center {






#right {







it then renders the divs as needed and thus I can place content as needed. Cheers.

Let me know if this method is optimum, or am I missing out on any problem I might face in the future. Thanks for all the help and inspiration.

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