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Two separate installs one shared database?

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Short version:


Can I install Prestashop on two separate hosting accounts i.e. two separate domains, but configure the 2nd install to connect to the database of the 1st install?


I found this thread but no real conclusion was given:




Long version:


I had hoped to run latest PS on one hosting account with two stores setup as multi store with different domains each. Unfortunately this is not going to be possible as SSL will not work for multiple top-level domains on the same IP address via cPanel, see:




So the only other possible solution I can think of is to run two versions of PS on two different accounts, each with own IP address and SSL cert, but have both share the same database - preferably still using multi store functionality that allows 50% of products to appear in one store and 50% of products in the other store.


Can anyone give me any feedback as to whether this might work?



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Benjamin, you can't have two SSL certificates on the same IP address in cPanel - that is the problem I have as detailed oin the other thread. Right now I'm restricted to cPanel on my server so I'm looking for an alternative solution i.e. whether I can emulate multistore with two accounts on seperate IP addresses each with their own SSL.

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some ramblings..



I don't think there is any reason you couldn't do it...you would need to copy between shops config/settings.inc.php, there may be differences you want like different customer hash but that's really up to you.


for 1.4 two problems would be the url and ssl url's in the the mysql ps_configuration table. as both domains would share the same configuration table. You could hack this after loadconfiguatoion in config/config.inc.php


you could do this with 1.5 but not point the url to the single intallation (park/alias/etc 2nd domain to the 2st)...then define both domains on both shops


if you went with a 1.4.9 then you could use my multishop module...define to the module all the domain configuation information but don't point the 2nd url to the first url.


p.s. IMHO SSL is just a big rip off :) down with the man!

Edited by elpatron (see edit history)
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Thanks for reply elpatron. I have read up on your modules for 1.4, and good as they seem I don't think I would be doing my customer a service by specifically developing an new installation with a previous version. I appreciate your feedback on this though as you seem one of the most knowledgeable community members on this subject. While I don't want to waste money buying SSL certs to test this, I may take the leap and use some test domains to at least see if I can this to work, taking into account your suggestions.


Yes I totaly agree about SSL. In fact my client will be using a remote payment gateway as most small SME do these days as handling payments locally is prohibitively expensive, so technically there is no need for SSL. However, in my experience recently many payment gateway providers still insist that all customer account areas and carts are behind SSL.


Thanks again

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