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UK Delivery Configuration

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Hi everyone!


I have a real problem. I have set up my site and it is practically live now, woohooo! Buzzing. But I have one real problem before I can really get going.


Shipping.... By Place.


I currently have 1 carrier set up for all areas of the UK to deliver at £ 10. Flat fee on the order total. So £ 10 for anything right?


But our carrier charges different rates for where it is going to in the country.


How the hec would I set this up for the UK? There are loads of States set up but are all USA states?


Thanks for all your help in advance.



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You can set up some new UK zones and list UK counties as states. Then you assign each county to it's UK zone. When you set your carriers up you assign the carrier to the relative zone.


There's a really useful contribution by 'shoulders' to help set this up. It will save you loads of time using a database import instead of all the manual data entry. You can find it HERE

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