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Error on change template


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I want to change template on my PS shop, but on debug mode I have error



Compile Error: Symfony\Component\Debug\DebugClassLoader::loadClass(): Failed opening required '/vendor/composer/../../src/Core/Domain/Theme/ValueObject/ThemeName.php' (include_path='/vendor/pear/pear_exception:/vendor/pear/console_getopt:/vendor/pear/pear-core-minimal/src:/vendor/pear/archive_tar:.:/:/usr/local/php72/lib/pear')

in DebugClassLoader.php line 156

All i can see is that some file is missing, I've copied vendor directory from fresh PS install and nothing changed...

When I install theme on fresh install on localhost it works.


Any1 can show me the way I should check for solution?

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2 hours ago, joomleader said:

Hi friend

1. maybe it is PHP version problem, what is your PHP version on server

2. you only have problem when change template or have same problem with default theme of Prestashop ?

Thanks for replies.

1. PHP 7.2, but I've tried on other version and the same error...

2. Default theme works fine, it's just theme that I've bought. But I don't think it's problem with theme, as I said it works fine on localhost...


17 hours ago, lototo said:

It can be read permission problem. Files should have 644 folders 755

I am trying this right now, and nothing changed :(

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14 minutes ago, tuk66 said:

Failed opening required '/vendor/composer/../../src/Core/Domain/Theme/ValueObject/ThemeName.php

Check if you really have the /src/Core/Domain/Theme/ValueObject/ThemeName.php file.

Thank You! As You've said, I was missing this file. Those /../../ confused me, and I wasn't searching right file...


Now I have problem (attachement) - but it's propably module related error and I've should ask developer for help?


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No, this error message is useless. It is only PHP Warning and has nothing to do with the real problem. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to debug fatal errors in 1.7, because such worthless notices and warning usually destroy everything.

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14 minutes ago, tuk66 said:

No, this error message is useless. It is only PHP Warning and has nothing to do with the real problem. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to debug fatal errors in 1.7, because such worthless notices and warning usually destroy everything.

ok thank You for info, but now when I try to use new theme (with debug mode off) on BO it saves and tells that ok. But on front page I have 500 error (not server one, but presta css styled 500 error). And in logs I have "Data from PrestaShop Addons is invalid, and cannot fallback on cache.". I am really confused right now...

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