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Vineet Girdhar

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About Vineet Girdhar

  • Birthday 05/03/1975

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  1. there is no module as of now ever even under development to have this....you can still use it in prestashop by calling all your images from cloudinary and thus reducing the load and response time from cms /your host server.
  2. Unfortunate that even after two years of posting none of the people have understood H1tag ...a big nono to adding it as an image in header.tpl. please donot mess with seo like this totally with Whiley on this. Home.html in prestashop version and above also has h1 tag please check it out there.
  3. Apache: Add this to the .htaccess file in the website main directory. <IfModule mod_headers.c> # Set XSS Protection header Header set X-XSS-Protection "1; mode=block" </IfModule> this will resolve and address the issue of Cross-site scripting (XSS)... Do note this issue is even found in version and irrespective of the hosting provider you are using it is a great idea to add this to resolve the issue
  4. https://developers.google.com/structured-data/testing-tool/?url=https://www.iambridal.com/engagement-rings The error page after today's crawl ...we have placed the following code already in the product-list.tpl <span itemprop="price" class="price product-price{if isset($product.specific_prices) && $product.specific_prices && isset($product.specific_prices.reduction) && $product.specific_prices.reduction > 0} product-price-new{/if}"> {if !$priceDisplay}{convertPrice price=$product.price}{else}{convertPrice price=$product.price_tax_exc}{/if} </span> Kindly advise really running out of ideas to kill this issue
  5. The solution give of code to be pasted in product-list.tpl does not worked for us Just wanted to inform the error still continues to show as earlier in search ....do we need to wait for some time or it should reflect automatically.?? Code paste doesnot help
  6. Hello guys ...simple solution and it will definately work... Just go to localisation-countries-choose your default country and access it There you just have to ensure that the currency option is selected as default currency and not USD or INR or any other ... If you want to have each country a different currency option you can set that too ....by accessing too but base country if suppose is USA then in USA the default currency should be --default store currency and not USD even though the drop down shows that.. front end automatically will start responding.. No need to change any code or work hard For more simple solutions do keep asking me Vineet Business Head Iambridal.com
  7. <span itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Offer" class="availability"> <span class="available-now"><link itemprop="availability" href="http://schema.org/InStock"/>In stock </span> </span> this error yet to find the solution without a delete code option.... otherwise main price errors in schema.org while doing the testing can be resolved simply without touching any code Vineet
  8. Hi None of the forums across the globe with genius brains around of prestashop have understood this problem as this is nothing to do with prestashop and it is more of google codes and the way google crawlers read the data and content of your website.... After my own research and going deep into the issue have found out the problem which completely resolves the issue of missing price without changing any code. Vineet Business head -Iambridal.com India
  9. Best Solution ever suggested on any forum...you are simply the greatest we have come across till date in prestashop forums
  10. Hi This is Vineet My advise is that you first check whether the server supports the url rewriting or not ....if it doesnot then all the url modules or methods will only create more issues of new nature for each one of you.
  11. version needs to be resolved it cant be to resolve we have to upgrade as each upgrade effects lot of other files ...this is a real big issue and hope that prestashop can resotore it asap
  12. I would like to know the error of products not being saved uploaded thru csv files in prestashop Can you please let me know on this why this is happening.
  13. pls share the following if the problem still persist url to the website version of prestashop installed will advise a solution to your problem
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