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  1. you could just add this to your robots.txt , or if you just want google ( User-Agent: Googlebot ) User-agent: * Allow: *.js Allow: *.css
  2. <?php require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'config' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'config.inc.php'); include(dirname(__FILE__) . '/init.php'); $res = Db::getInstance()->executeS('SELECT `id_product` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product` WHERE id_product = "76" '); echo "<p>(".date('Y/m/d H:i:s').") Starting to delete products...</p>"; if ($res) { foreach ($res as $row) { echo "<p>(".date('Y/m/d H:i:s').") Deleting product with ID <b>".$row['id_product']."</b>..."; $p = new Product($row['id_product']); if(!$p->delete()) { echo " <span style='color: red'>Error deleting this product!</span></p>"; } else { echo " <span style='color: green'>DELETED</span></p>"; } } } ?> I tried one product product ID 76 after I run it the product deletes from backoffice , but in the DB I can se the row both in ps_product and ps_product_shop , We have multistore
  3. how about all the images, attributes and everything that's generated when a product is created . this scripts seams to delete just one DB table ?
  4. strange I disabled the module that needed to upgrade , and enabled it again and then the upgrade worked
  5. hi in my info is says it's loaded /etc/php/7.0/apache2/conf.d/20-zip.ini and some of the module got updated .
  6. hi , we have manufacture name on every page in but I miss it on best-sellers.tpl I have tried all the variables we have from the product-list.tpl and product.tpl but I only get manufacture ID not the name
  7. old post but manby something http://nemops.com/ean-barcode-prestashop-product-page/
  8. I'm looking for something that adds multiple quantity of one product or create a pack of that product. a1 Product 1 = 1singel a2 produkt 1 = 10pack a3 product 1 = 30 pack if the costumer wants to buy "a2" the system should add 10 pieces of "a1" . and it should show in cart and checkout a2 , 1 quantity today we have always 10pack and in combination we remove the price , so it matches the singel price
  9. Is it possible to override a module on just one shop , we have a file /override/modules/modulename but we would like to override just one of the store lets say Store ID 2
  10. I added som extra parameter DON'T FORGETT to change app_id {if $page_name=='product'} <meta property="og:type" content="product" /> <meta property="product:retailer_title" content="{$shop_name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" /> <meta property="product:brand" content="{$product->manufacturer_name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" /> <meta property="product:pretax_price:amount" content="{$product->getPrice(false, $smarty.const.NULL, 2)|round:'2'|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" /> <meta property="product:pretax_price:currency" content="{$currency->iso_code}" /> <meta property="product:sale_price" content="{$product->getPrice(true, $smarty.const.NULL, 2)|round:'2'|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" /> <meta property="product:price:currency" content="{$currency->iso_code}" /> <meta property="product:weight:value" content="{$product->weight}" /> <meta property="og:image" content="{$link->getImageLink($product->link_rewrite, $cover.id_image, 'large_default')|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}"> {else} <meta property="og:type" content="website"> <meta property="og:image" content="{$img_ps_dir}logo.png" /> {/if} <meta property="og:title" content="{$meta_title|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}"/> <meta property="og:site_name" content="{$shop_name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}"/> <meta property="og:description" content="{$meta_description|escape:html:'UTF-8'}"> <meta property="fb:app_id" content="YOUR ID" />
  11. how about when adding products to the cart it ads the product to the bottom of the cart and the coustomer needs to scroll to se the last added product. can i add the latest on the på in the ajax cart animation. our cartblock is alwas open. ?
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