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  1. I downloaded the original files and still got the same problem. Anyone else solved this issue? I have never been able to get the right formatting. Thanks for any assistance.
  2. Me pasa lo mismo e hice el cambio que anuncian más arriba. Alguna solución? Mi tienda es www.shopusa.cl Saludos!
  3. I had the CSS enabled and not the CCC...I can´t add the screenshot. I can give you my login info if you would prefer to take a look around. I am completely clueless right now. Should I send you a private message with my info?
  4. I made the changes suggested, but what I found to be the problem is that the .css file does not update or overwrite. There is an overwrite problem that is not allowing me to push the changes. When I click on inspect element, it shows me the file unchanged. I definitely think the problem was when my partner installed the CMS News Block that did something to the existing files. Is there a way I can figure out how to override whatever was done by my partner or where the issue may be? I am really new at this and have been watching videos and reading the forum to understand. I appreciate your assistance very much.
  5. I made the changes you guys indicated in the permanentlinks.css file but it will not update. Before I had done the same and it worked, but now it doesn't. I am thinking there could be a overwrite rule somewhere causing this problem. I have not been able to figure it out. My partner said that all of this happened after he installed a free module called blocknews CMS. I uninstalled it, but this problem remained. I would appreciate and ideas on how to solve this issue.
  6. Hello everyone...hopefully you guys can give me your opinion about my new site...right now my permanent links banner moved and I am working on it to fix it. But in the meantime, hopefully you can give me your feedback on what you think. All comments are greatly appreciated. Please visit www.shopusa.cl!
  7. Exactly, see how the permanent links bar moved? And if I search for something, it moves to the left...I don't know how to fix this problem. I opened the permanent links css file and change the left position coordinate, but it will not update, so I figured I had to make this change somewhere else. Thanks so much.
  8. I am also having issues with the permanent links tab since they move depending on what page I am...on the home page, it moved to the right, but if I search for something, it moves to the right. Does anybody know how to fix this issue? Please check out my site www.shopusa.cl Thanks!
  9. Hello everyone, I have encountered the same issue and I am trying to follow along what everyone is saying, but I am completely lost. I am so frustrated because we just launched our site one week ago and it is embarrasing. If anyone can give me a hand, I would be so thankful. My site is www.shopusa.cl. Best regards.
  10. I finally figured how to change my logo, but now I can´t see to add a blocktopbanner...I don´t have the option for my template, although the original template has that option. Can you please let me know how I could add a block for the top banner? Another problem I have is that I want to add a different background, for example an image, but it either repeats everywhere or I don´t know how to replace the existing configuration in the global.css file. PLEASE HELP! Thanks!!!
  11. Thanks. Tried everything you told me and I got things back in line. My problem though is that my logo is still blurry and I can't seem to get a better resolution. If you look at the template, they have 2 logos in the banner. *logo.jg and topbanner0. I tried dividing my logo in two: one with just the Shop USA logo and the other one with the words Shop USA, but I don't know how to insert them in the top banner. Sorry to be so useless!
  12. I tried uploading bigger, but when I do, the entire horizontal bar moves and so does the mini slider. The search button appears in the middle of the page.
  13. I fixed that problem and then I got another one. Can you check my site? This is my test run www.shopusa.cl/tienda It is not live yet, because I have issues with the header logo...if you see the original template, it looks perfect. http://addons.prestashop.com/demo/FO2001.html I am not an expert and I am trying to learn. The people I paid to develop the site have taken over 3 months, so I decided to cancel the agreement with them and go out on my own. Thanks again for everything.
  14. Hello, I am having the same issue. Please check my test run site www.shopusa.cl/tienda. If you can see the logo needs to be very small in order to not move the top banner. But when you look at the original template, http://addons.prestashop.com/demo/FO2001.html the space for the logo is huge! Is it the minislider I installed? I am also trying to adjust the pictures on that minislider. Thanks for your help. Silvana
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