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403 Error when i try SSL


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403 errors are forbidden errors, so the fail must be your host. It's not a Prestashop problem. 403 http errors are generated by the server and not Prestashop or SSL per se. In other words: your server is forbidding the request. It could be a port problem, or a blacklisted IP, or reading/writing (group)permissions. When you activate SSL on Prestashop back-office, the .htaccess will be regenerated with new rules, therefore this file should have writing permissions (at least 0755 chmod).

Another problem could be the SSL certificate itself. You need a certificate hosted to your domain. A server wided SSL certificate will be ignored, i.e. its not valid.

You should ask your provider to fix the problem, if you are not the server administrator yourself.

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Greetings to All

Disabling Apache's mod_security module can solve this problem prestashop ModSecurity recommends that it be disabled Make or set this setting from your host.

Herkese Selamlar

Apache'nin mod_security modülünü devre dışı bırakmak bu sorunu cözebilir prestashop ModSecurity, devredışı olmasını öneriyor hostunuzdan bu ayarı yapın veya yaptırın benim başıma geldi bilginize.

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