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Upgrading Theme from PS 1.6 v to PS 1.7 v

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I'm a php developer and I maintain a prestashop for a client.

I understand that it is impossible to upgrade the theme from PS 1.6 to PS 1.7 since the theme system works different between the versions.

That is a very big problem in my opinion, since prestashop is moving on and 1.6 version is not planned to be maintained passed June 2019.

What are we supposed to do about that? we have the store for the past 3 years, are we supposed to replace the theme and change the look of the site??

Is it easy to create a new theme in PS 1.7 that would look like the current theme we are using?


Thank you!

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Hi Josh

It is true that 1.7 default Classic theme is completely new. 

But it is very clean and new way of using template files really

makes it easier to work with. You could probably make similar theme

like 1.6 default one.  But...

First, just because support from PrestaShop is ending does not mean your store will

stop working. You do not need to upgrade. I saw 2 people this year on forum that 

was interested to update their 1.1 store. That is like 10 years I think :)

Second, if you want to make move to 1.7 it also means you need to check and update

any 3rd party modules and see also server requirements. And update process is improved lately

but still not perfect.

Finally it is not bad to change a theme, refreshes look with more current design and get more



And this is all if you have default 1.6 theme, but if you custom one then if it is paid theme

there maybe also 1.7 version of it.

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There is a TWO BIG reasons why you would want a 1.7 compliant theme.

1) Template inheritance,  this allows modules to add/change/delete front office content.  in 1.6 one can only 'add'.  barbaric.  This allows function similar to Shopify liquid and should have been done in 1.6.  

2) performance:  1.6 CCC of .js/.css is basically useless as each 'different' page has different CCC of .js/.css (think index/cat/product)....so each different page has to download those files.  barbaric.  In 1.7 'all' pages have the same CCC .js/.css so post prime page load....all other pages load much faster.  This is a 'must have' feature.

I'd rather see a company burn the house down to get 'best in class' features like this...thanks PrestaShop.



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