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Multiple errors, linked to encoding? Please help.

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I have successfully installed PrestaShop through Softaculous installer.

I have configured the software perfectly, and everything would be perfect if it weren't for these two issues I have ran into.


I have looked far and wide for an answer to this question, and I did find a peculiar website which has exactly the same issues I am facing, and it tells me how to fix them, but I am unsure on where to find the files talked about and wouldn't know where they are located. Furthermore, I should note - I have tried disabling debug mode.

Thread: http://prestatuts.com/tutorials/prestashop-how-to-fix-technical-error-unable-to-load-form-details-error-thrown-object-object-text-status-error/


New registrations are denied by the following message/s:

TECHNICAL ERROR: unable to load form. Details: Error thrown: [object Object] Text status: error

and (when trying to click "Add to cart")

Impossible to add the product to the cart.
textStatus: 'error'
errorThrown: ''




Edited by JakeGreeziak
Wasn't complete when I hit control enter by habbit. (see edit history)
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10 hours ago, NemoPS said:

Can you share the site's url? You should inspect the network response with the debug tools (f12 on chrome)



Thanks for the quick reply. I have been asked to not sure the site's URL until it's finished... I understand if this causes issues. I'm sure you can understand this agreement.

I did look at the response, and got the following message:
Failed to load /index.php?rand=1534160200115 : Response for preflight is invalid (redirect)

I also looked at the response when trying to create an account (Create an account):
Failed to load /index.php?rand=1534160477784 : Response for preflight is invalid (redirect)      index.php?controller...n&back=my-account:1


Both the issues I am encountering here relate to the issues encountered in the thread I linked, which details how to fix it. My question was how I go about performing that action. The thread I linked stated: "To solve it  just change the encoding in the corresponding translation file you are dealing with. Open the file with a text editor like Notepad++   and change  “encode UTF-8” to “UTF-8 without BOM”   and save the file.". How would I do this, I don't know which file they are referring to.

Thanks again.

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5 hours ago, NemoPS said:

Are you using https? Make sure the request is coherent with the protocol of the actual page

The option to enable SSL was disabled. I changed this by running an SQL query, but it then the store page wouldn't load, and instead would redirect me infinitely... Causing the page not to load.

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I should also maybe point out this redirect issue happens on a fresh installation, and is fixed when I disable SSL on all pages. 

I am using CloudFlare, which has a page rule to apply SSL to all pages. I have tried pretty much everything I can find, however it doesn't seem there's much support... 

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