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Product with only one item in stock ?


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Hi there!

We offer only exclusive products which are sold only by one item.

So the Presta should work in such way:

1).  Disabled quantity field in product view

2). There should be only one item in stock. Once it's sold - the product can't be purchased once more by another customer.

How it could be achieved?

As I understand in  Catalog->"Stock" or "Product"-> "stock" tab  "1" should be entered?
But in such way case "1)." is not executed. The quantity field is still available...

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OK, thank you!

But it will only work as a front-end "mask", hiding the inputs from the view. While programmatically this functionality isn't disabled.

Should it be as a future request?

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By the way, what will be if one product will be ordered the same day a few times?

Once it's ordered it should be out of stock and order button must be disabled. How it could be done?

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