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[Solved] free delivery icon above price

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Don't know if this is best way but try it.
In your theme folder open product.tpl and copy this code just above prices code

{if ( $product->getPrice(true, $smarty.const.NULL)|intval)>200}<img src="{$img_dir}free_del_{$lang_iso}.gif" alt="{l s='Free delivery !'}" class="free_del_img"/>{/if}

           <!-- prices -->

I used condition that price with tax is greater then 200 you can change that.
And you need to make and place images for each language you use, if more then one , in your theme img folder and name them free_del_en.gif, free_del_fr.gif, free_del_es..gif .
Also you can add some styles for class free_del_img in global.css.

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