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[solved]moved shop showing maintanence mode


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I'm in the process of moving servers and have my shop on an sub domain temporarily so I can test the site before actually re-pointing the DNS, however I'm only getting the maintenance page when viewing.

I've cleared both smarty caches and changed the shop url. Can someone suggest anything I else should do to test the new home.




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Hi, sorry but it is not clear whether on or off. If it is enabled, than you should disable.... Do you have access to back-office, or not ?

If you moved your shop, than something could be wrong with your settings. Which is old URL ? Which new ? Or only moved from server ? Which is URL that should work now ?


Take a look into this same topic and if it solves your problem. https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/283344-cant-get-website-out-of-maintenance/

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Sorry if my question wasn't clear.

I have ensured that the new shop is enabled, i.e not in maintenance mode. I have full access to the back office, this appears to be working fine.

I have changed the URL settings in SEO and URL's

The old URL is Http://www.layella.com this is the live shop on the 'old' server, it is still live and functioning.

http://layella.turgutreisholidayguide.com   is the new shop, it will eventually be live and functioning on this server but will become www.layella.com

I would like both URL's to work the layella.turgutreisholidayguide.com one for testing and the www.layella one for continued public use until I am happy it works fine on the new server. Once that is confirmed I will change the DNS settings of the domain name to point to the new server.

I have my IP set as a maintenance IP but am still getting the under maintenance page on layella.turgutreisholidayguide.com

From the thread you pointed me to

I have checked my database for layella.turgutreisholidayguide.com and ensured that

in ps_configuration table.

make sure that "PS_SHOP_ENABLE" variable isn't duplicated

the setting for this variable is 1

There is there is no directory named "install" or "admin" . I'm not using multi-store, at least I'm not aware that I am.

My file permission all seem fine.

I've cleared both smarty caches.


Is there any other information that I can give that might help you with offering me ideas about how I might fix the problem.


Many thanks for taking time to read and help




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Thank you for looking and trying to help.

I managed to sort the issue. My subdomain folder was layella.com once I removed the .com portion and adjusted the SEO&URL URI setting to reflect this I can now view my page via layella.turgutreisholidayguide.com/index.php


I have some errors but that's for a new post.

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