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How to search in Prestashop multistore?


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You mean bock-office, or front-office ? For back-office you choose on top the shop you want to make changes, or product search, etc. For Front-office the search does not change, cause it touches the search index and for each shop it shows than the products they are active in the specific shop.

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are you looking for multiple seller/multiple shop solution?


with our Agile Multiple seller module, you are able to turn your store into a marketplace, so that multiple seller will be able to list products on your store for sale.

And with additional Agile Multiple Shop module, each seller will be able to have a virtual shop to list all products from the same seller.


User search at main store will search products in all virtual shops. You will also have "Shop By Seller" - has a seller/shop list pages link to each virtual shop.

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