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Invalid loadTaxZones() SQL query!

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Hello, I was updating a localhost copy with a refresh of the database.

Got this error:

Invalid loadTaxZones() SQL query!

Any ideas? All files are the same on local and remote, but no site or admin showing, just this error.

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For anyone else with this error....
I still dunno whats causing this, but know it is an add on module causing the error, as I reverted locally to a previous copy of the DB and did not get the error.

Will report back if I isolate the cause.

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  • 1 month later...

I got the same error. I tried to upgrade my shop from version 1.3.5 to 1.4.0 but i couldn't then i uploaded my ex files which i got back up and then i got that error. I can't see my site only this error. How can i fix it?

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

I was having the same error. The problem was that the import expected ANSI data, but my sql export was in UTF-8. I converted the sql file into ANSI and it worked.

yupz.. thanks a lot..

i change to ANSI and finally success..


How can I convert my sql file to ansi please?

there is dropdown box when you want to export or import,, just choice ANSI..^^


Please help i'm having the same error!

maybe u can my way above..

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  • 5 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 years later...

I have got the same issue, but my tables have got the UTF-8 charset.


For example: 


CREATE TABLE `ps_accessory` (
  `id_product_1` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `id_product_2` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
  KEY `accessory_product` (`id_product_1`,`id_product_2`)
My script is on ANSI to UTF-8 and if convert the file to ANSI, the diacritics chars will broke down.
OK. The problem was in the sql dump file, many table was missing. 
Edited by templaries (see edit history)
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  • 3 years later...

This has happened a few times to me when i am swapping severs, It could just be that the sql import had a timeout because of its size and that database did not get created.


If you truncate the following tables first and then export from the old database the sql file should be a lot smaller and then you can import more easily


TRUNCATE `ps_guest`;
TRUNCATE `ps_connections`;
TRUNCATE `ps_connections_source`;
TRUNCATE `ps_connections_page`;

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