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Deleted demo items, automatically added to order


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After placing an order, some items that were part of the demo data when you first install Prestashop and updated to, and deleted, magically appear on the order, even though the customer did not add these items.


Has anyone ever experienced this problem, and if so, how did you fix this problem. 


My first thought was, maybe having to the with the users web browsers, cache or cookies having to do with Prestashop.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Thank you





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I verified my database, by using Phpmyadmin, and browsed every table to insure the any demo items (demo_2, demo_6, demo_7) did not exist in one of the tables. I could not find anything. The order confirmation shows three items that were added to the order automatically, not by the customer. When you click on any these demo items shown on the order confirmation email, a window opens in your webbrowser with our website and a message - THIS PAGE IS NOT AVAILABLE -  . (/en/-.html)


Has anyone ever experience this and if so, how do you fix this.


Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.



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I was finally able to solve this problem. Below is a link to a forum post, explain what caused the problem and how to fix it.





Hope this helps someone who experiences the same problem.




Edited by Lloyd966 (see edit history)
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