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Sql table - relation between discount and invoice.

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Hi All,
I have sql query which display data from invoice from 2 tables: ps_order_detail and ps_order_invoice:
SELECT  p.id_order_invoice,  o.id_order_invoice, o.product_quantity, o.product_reference, o.product_name,  o.product_price, o.total_price_tax_excl, p.date_add,  p.total_discount_tax_excl, p.total_paid_tax_excl 
FROM ps_order_detail as o, ps_order_invoice as p 
WHERE p.id_order_invoice=o.id_order_invoice and p.date_add >= '2016-08-01' and p.date_add < '2016-08-31' ;
I would like to display discount in line (row) with the product that has a 100% discount (it is free product) not for each product from this same invoice.
I have question according this - In which sql table I can search relation between discount and invoice?
Now result of query is for example for invoice 183:



I would like to:



Thank you for your answer,




Edited by JolaMat (see edit history)
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Thanks for your answer. 


I could not find data about free product (100% discount) in ps_order_detail in my Presta Shop version PrestaShop™

But I found data about free product in ps_order_cart_rule and ps_cart_rule table.


SELECT  ps_cart_rule.id_cart_rule, ps_order_cart_rule.id_cart_rule, ps_cart_rule.gift_product, ps_order_cart_rule.id_order, ps_order_cart_rule.id_order_invoice  

FROM ps_order_cart_rule, ps_cart_rule

WHERE ps_order_cart_rule.id_cart_rule=ps_cart_rule.id_cart_rule

ORDER BY ps_order_cart_rule.id_order_invoice ASC;


I select all free given product by connection table ps_order_cart_rule and ps_cart_rule.


I still do not know how to put data about free given product into list of sold products from above post.

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