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Fatal Error when attempting to login to backend


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I tried to login to the store backend tonight.  We have three different administrative ids.


I tried each of them and as soon as I click the Connection button on the login screen the browser window goes all white with Fatal Error in the upper left corner.  There is no other error message and I have no idea how to resolve this.


Can anyone help?


Thank you,


Ross Chevalier

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1. have you tried debug mode to see if there is any detailed error message?

to enable DEV debug mode, you can set  _PS_MODE_DEV_ to true in file /config/defines.inc.php


2. have you installed any new modules or made any changes to your store?

if so, you may try to disable/uninstall the new installed modules and undo your changes to see if that fixes your issue.

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Thank you Shokinro


The only change was adding some sizes to some products and trying to determine why size information that showed up in the customer's checkout cart was not showing up in the order.  I will try your suggestion tonight


Thank you Vekia


Yes the issue was sudden and other than the notes above, nothing else was changed.  When I click Connection, the browser gives me a white screen with Fatal Error in the upper left corner




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