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Emails to confirm old orders was sent

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Since one week, all my old customers received an email to confirm their orders. The problem is all these orders was realized in 2015, 2014, 2013, etc... So they don't have to receive this email.


Does anyone has ever got this problem? How i can empty the queue?





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Perhaps you are victim of the send a friend module flaw, which allows spam to be sent.  You can search the forums for other complaints on this topic.  It's possible that the module allowed scripting to occur, and all of your customers received a fishing email.  I would suggest asking your customer's to forward you that email so you can confirm the contents of the email, and if there are any fishing links in them.


Less likely, but still possible, is that this mail was queued in your mail system all this time, and some how it all got flushed.  While technically possible, it is very unlikely.

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