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Updating a Custom Theme to a new Version?


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I've been wondering how a custom theme can be updated to a new version without having to make all adjustments again.


Navigating to "install a new theme" won't work as it says the theme is already installed. Renaming the theme folder and trying the same step again does also not work. I assume because the tables already exist.

Only option left is to overwrite the theme folder but what if a new variable was added? That will be missing as the installation file was not executed.


So does anybody know the right procedure? I'm guessing there is no and its more copy paste all over the place and you never know if everything is at the right place.



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for style change, i add a custom.css  file with all override changes. i try to not change any thing on the theme(tpl files) becouse you miss all changes when update.When you update a theme files must ve overwrited via FTP,. The template isntaller dont let you install it again

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Depends which version gap you need to cross. Using PS 1.4 themes in 1.5 or 1.6 is bound to give problems. PS 1.5 themes often still run with PS 1.6.0 but fail with 1.6.1. 


You mention tables. That suggests that your theme has its own modules and accompanying tables. That raises some other questions about compatibility. But it is hard to say more without knowing what those modules do.

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