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Last Visit Date Incorrect. Upgrade From To

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I am having an issue with registration dates accurate and "last visit" date being several days before registration.


I also had a recent customer (new registration) place an order and never showing a visit date.  See image.




Also noticed that the Stats->Visitors Online is not ever showing anyone.


This upgrade did not go too smoothly.....


 Any thoughts.  Cannot find anything in the forum.

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The "last visit" comes from the ps_connection and ps_guest tables.  Did you touch those table prior to or after the upgrade?


Did you take a database backup or copy prior to the upgrade?  if so, you can view those tables and see what records existed for this customer prior to the upgrade and confirm if this was an issue caused by the upgrade, or perhaps an issue that existed prior to.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I did make a DB backup, but then did the upgrade to  


All my past date seem fine, however with current logins or NEW customers there is not a valid "Last Visit" date.


For existing customers it is displaying a date prior to the upgrade, for new customers there is no last visit date but a valid registration date.



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