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Card Processing Error


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[CLOSED] Hello everyone,

I am trying to set up the CC payment for a new PS shop using a premium template (Bio Nature) bought from ADDons.

The payment processing company has a PS 1.6+ module which I have installed and configured correctly.

Testing it in a sandbox gives "Transaction success", it appears as payed but there is also an error of the type:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<crc error_type=”1|2” error_code=”{numeric}”>{message}</crc>

The error response is:

<strong>TCPDF ERROR : </strong> [IMAGE] unable to get image: https://www.bio-sense.ro/img/tmp/product_mini_28_0.jpg

But accessing the link https://www.bio-sense.ro/img/tmp/product_mini_28_0.jpg shows the right image.

They say it is a Prestashop issue.

Do someone encountered this before or have an idea about it?

Edited by Rho_bur (see edit history)
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