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Addons website BUG - forgot password & contact form


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Not sure why the previous post was locked as solved, as the issue is not solved.  The user even told you that they did not bother to try to test your site


I didn't test the contact form, but i guess you can test it yourself and see if the bug is still there.


Easy steps to reproduce.  Just make sure you are not logged into your addons account when you do this

1) open https://addons.prestashop.com/contact-form.php

2) select "i have a tech problem with this website"

3) input any valid email address

4) input any message

5) click submit


you will get 'invalid email address' error message. 


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I just tested it and still receive the error.  It works if you are logged into your addons store account, as the email address field is hidden since the website just uses your accounts email address.


However if you are not logged into the addons store account, then there is an email address field that does not accept the address. 


So the form appears to be inconsistent in its function.  You can decide what to do next, but closing topics as solved and ignoring the issue is probably not the right choice.

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