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Help please! .js is not compressed but .css is... What went wrong?

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I'm running and recently I noticed that my ../themes/theme/1834571435971435143.js is not compressed. The css files in the same folder are compressed but the .js are not.


What when wrong. Last time I checked with Google Page speed insights I didn't have this issue.


I'm running my presta on apache with nginx as reverse proxy and also have mod_deflate running but obviously it don't handle my .js properly.


Help please!

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Obviously it was issue with the hosting and the updates they make on the hosting software.


I have checked the option in PS for 'apache optimisation' but mod_deflate didn't recognise .js


I've added to my .htaccess file all mime file types and 

IfModule mod_deflate.c>
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/text text/html text/plain text/xml text/css text/javascript application/javascript

And now everything is back to normal.

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