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[SOLVED] This module is Untrusted -->You are about to install ""

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When we install our module on there is no problem.


Now we have upgraded to and try to install our module, now we get this error on Internet explorer 11:
You are about to install "", a module that could not be securely identified by PrestaShop.

This generally happens when the module is not distributed through our official marketplace, PrestaShop Addons - or when your server failed to communicate with PrestaShop Addons. Since you did not download the module from PrestaShop Addons, we cannot assert that the module is safe (i.e. that it is not adding some undisclosed functionality like backdoors, ads, hidden links, spam, etc.). Use at your own risk.


The 'PROCEED WITH THE INSTALLATION' button doesn't work


On Mozilla and Firefox we get :

You are about to install "Our module name", a module that could not be securely identified by PrestaShop.

This generally happens when the module is not distributed through our official marketplace, PrestaShop Addons - or when your server failed to communicate with PrestaShop Addons. Since you did not download the module from PrestaShop Addons, we cannot assert that the module is safe (i.e. that it is not adding some undisclosed functionality like backdoors, ads, hidden links, spam, etc.). Use at your own risk.






Edited by venditdevs (see edit history)
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