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[Solved] Homefeatured product sorting for 1.6


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In Prestashop i used to replaced the following code to reserve the product to display the newly added product on top in featured product. However, i can no longer do this in 1.6 due to the code change in the module. 

Can code expert help to make this workable on 1.6 again ? 


//$products = $category->getProducts((int)Context::getContext()->language->id, 1, ($nb ? $nb : 8));to:

$products = array_reverse($products);




Edited by renjii (see edit history)
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I tried to change to 


HomeFeatured::$cache_products = array_reverse($category->getProducts((int)Context::getContext()->language->id, 1, ($nb ? $nb : 8), 'position'));


but it's still not working. am i missing anything there ? Or the code i changed is incorrect.


i notice in the live edit is showing the reverse but when in actual site it doesn't reverse ( see the 2 attach picture) am I missing some code ?







Edited by renjii (see edit history)
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