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top horizontal menu text color...

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hi. i would like to change my top horizontal menu text color, but only on the sub menu drop down section. how to change the text in that section and not effect the main title menu color? picture attached. using default theme.


thank you.

You can do with blocktopmenu css files

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Hi vekia. 


I have a similar issue and it's been driving me nuts. Been at a solution for hours.
I use Elation Base Liquid Theme and my top menu has different colors for text depending on the level of the menu category (main, sub, sub-sub).


Problem is that while the grey text is fine for the menus when normal, on mouse-over the hover color of the text does not change in the sub-category. 


You can see this in the following screen grab at http://www.fixgear.info/probs/menunav/textcolor.png or live at http://www.fixgear.info/ 


You will see that the hover color goes to white text in the main and sub-sub category but in the sub category (2nd) the text remains grey hence making it very difficult to read. 


The Elation Base theme uses a dynamic eb theme options page in my BO that lets me change the backgrounds highlight color (currently fucia) but it does not let me change the highlight text color. See screen grab at http://www.fixgear.info/probs/menunav/ebTHEMEoptions.png


I don't want the white highlight text color to skip the sub-cat and obviously the sub-sub-sub-sub category if i had one. It seems it alternates and only affects odd categories, main and sub-sub (1 and 3).

I hope I have explained myself well and that you can help me. I need to have the highlight color of the text always be white on hover. 




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Thanks man but only one issue. Pasting that code fixed the sub-menu text and it is indeed now white but the 3rd tier (sub-sub menu) text is white too without mouseover so is invisible :( 

Go to http://www.fixgear.info/en and pass mouse over "Home" --> "Running & Training" --> "Compression Long Sleeve SHirts (UNISEX)" and you will se that the 3rd sub menu is now white text over a white background and hence cannot be seen until you ouse over and get the fucia highlight color.


any ideas.




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