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[SOLVED] adding javascript to product pages

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Is there a way to add a different bit of javascript code to each product page? In order to use google's dynamic remarketing code you have to do this.  The old remarketing code you could just put in the footer file, but this is different because it's more targeted.


Any help would be appreciated.

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ok i had the same question ! So i did change the editor, but now, how can i manage to copy and paste my Js snippet for remarketing tag ? I have opened a product form page, but can"t manage with it . 


Edit : In fact i managed a little bit :

<script type="text/javascript">
var google_tag_params = {
ecomm_prodid: 'REPLACE_WITH_VALUE', 
ecomm_pagetype: 'REPLACE_WITH_VALUE', 
ecomm_totalvalue: 'REPLACE_WITH_VALUE'

But don't know how to integrate it to past the value from prestashop product page to this snippet..

Tks for your help..

Edited by moz (see edit history)
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Yes ! i found it..Thanks a lot  freakhouse! but my problem, maybe yours,  is that the tinyeditor  is adding some  additonal code such as  <![CDATA[ tag.. :( .

<script type="text/javascript">// <![CDATA[
var google_tag_params = {
ecomm_prodid: 'REPLACE_WITH_VALUE', 
ecomm_pagetype: 'REPLACE_WITH_VALUE',
ecomm_totalvalue: 'REPLACE_WITH_VALUE'
// ]]></script>
<script type="text/javascript">// <![CDATA[
var google_conversion_id = 998xxxxxx;
var google_conversion_label = "EdbQCIyo3gUQxxxxxxxxx";
var google_custom_params = window.google_tag_params;
var google_remarketing_only = true;
// ]]></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//www.googleadservices.com/pagead/conversion.js">// <![CDATA[

// ]]></script>
<noscript>&amp;amp;lt;div style="display:inline;"&amp;amp;gt; &amp;amp;lt;img height="1" width="1" style="border-style:none;" alt="" src="//googleads.g.doubleclick.net/pagead/viewthroughconversion/998xxxxxxx/?value=0&amp;amp;amp;amp;label=EdbQCIxxxxxwM&amp;amp;amp;amp;guid=ON&amp;amp;amp;amp;script=0"/&amp;amp;gt; &amp;amp;lt;/div&amp;amp;gt;</noscript>

By the way, do i have to populate the product values  for each page ?  :huh:  There is without any doubt a way to get it populate automatically ? isn't it ? 

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There is some extra code being added but it doesn't seem to make any difference.  You can test your tag in Google Chrome with the Google Tag Assistant. Do a search for that on google and install it in Chrome. It will show you if your code is working correctly on your page.


As far as adding the code on each page, it appears you are using the dynamic remarketing. That's what I'm doing. As opposed to just remarketing. With the dynamic you do have to add it to each page with the values replaced. id is your google product id. The type would be New if it's a new product. The value is entered for example '$99.95' All using the single quotes.

With the plain remarketing code it could be added to just the footer.tpl file for example. That is different coding though I believe.

Edited by freakhouse (see edit history)
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Turns out I was wrong about the added code not making a difference. Apparently google doesn't like this.  For example it starts adding  // <![CDATA[   


Google has an article where they say a lot of WYSIWYG editors do this. Any ideas on how to remove the extra coding that prestashop adds?

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Moz- I realized after I wrote that last post that google only updates their remarketing page once a day, so my coding may have not been seen yet by google. Their page and its analysis was why i thought the extra code mattered. That and they have an article that states it must be exact. That article may be outdated. When I test it with the Chrome tag analyzer it says its fine and shows no errors. So getting rid of the extra coding may not be an issue after all. I will let you know when I find out for sure.

Edited by freakhouse (see edit history)
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you don't have to worry about cdata



A CDATA section is required if you need your document to parse as XML (e.g. when an XHTML page is interpreted as XML) and you want to be able to write literal i<10 and a && b instead of i<10and a && b, as XHTML will parse the JavaScript code as parsed character data as opposed to character data by default. This is not an issue with scripts that are stored in external source files, but for any inline JavaScript in XHTML you will probably want to use a CDATA section.

Note that many XHTML pages were never intended to be parsed as XML in which case this will not be an issue.

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Many thanks Freakhouse and vekia 


I need also to wait for a while..but i wonder regarding the method of implementing dynamic retargeting ..hardcoding or through tag manager or else ..


1/ The additional code on top of the google tag params have to be located just before the main core google snippet one let's saying like that. Ok if you handcode manually.


2/ But if you use the tag manager google platform, you have to also insert the google tag params named datalayer before the main code . The problem is that the container (which is inserted manually in the hearder.tpl file (template)) is just located at the beginning of the <body> tag, and if you proceed as you and i did (tagging just the google tag params addtional snippet in product page with wysiwyg editor) , you  always find it after the container tag, so it's impossible to manage ! 


3/ I can't find any way around the 2 above methods, as ready made modules seems to be quite rare for inserting external code in prestashop pages.

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you don't have to worry about cdata


Currently my google account says my pages are missing custom parameters.   These parameters are on my pages, so google's spiders are not seeing them. Is there a way to get around prestashop adding this code? In order to troubleshoot this I need be able to add the exact code google gave me and not have it modified.

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I have different code on each product page. For example, on product #1 page, the code is something like prod_id=1, product #2 page the code is prod_id=2, etc.   The header.tpl file would change it on every page to the same thing, right? That wouldn't solve my problem.

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It's always the same problem when inserting external scripts for pushing variables (productId etc..) to external server (here google analytics ones) :(


You have to develop an  intermediary logic  php code which set the prestashop variables for populating  them automatically to the javascript google analytics 


Modifying the tpl is useful for still code, not for dynamic one..


That's the main use of modules ! But i can't find any for that purpose...

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I feel like my question got missed. The CDATA is basically remarking out the google code I've inserted.

Surely there has to be a way to get around this?


For example:


<script type="text/javascript">
var google_tag_params = {
ecomm_prodid: 'RLMUS8',
ecomm_pagetype: 'New',
ecomm_totalvalue: '88.00',


gets turned into this by Prestashop:


<script type="text/javascript">// <![CDATA[
var google_tag_params = {
ecomm_prodid: 'RLMUS8',
ecomm_pagetype: 'New',
ecomm_totalvalue: '88.00',
// ]]></script>


So, anything between   // <![CDATA[     and    // ]]>    is basically invisible to a spider.

Edited by freakhouse (see edit history)
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ohh but i don't know what's going on here. a little chaotic conversation.
let's clarify.
You pasting this code to product page editor (for example to description field)
then tinymce changing it automatically with CDATA.
now you think that this code doesnt work because of this, right?
you want to remove CDATA tags from code.
am i right?
and you, what you exactly expect?

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so in your case it will be a bit hard to remove these code mainly because tinymce editor add CDATA automatically.

here is a little workaround.


open product.tpl

search for $product->description

and change it to: {$product->description|replace:'// <![CDATA[':''|replace:'// ]]>':''}

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Hi Vekia-

I am not seeing those exact lines in my file product.tpl file

The forum won't let me attach that kind of file. Could I email it to you and you modify it for me? It would probably be a lot quicker than trying to explain it to me :)   Maybe you could PM your email? 



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Hi Vekia, 


Look for a way to insert a portion of script (remarketing tag)  to retrieve variables from the above many times mentioned product page

I 'am a bit lost i'm afraid, try to find my way out with a bit of help from a developper (not very available for now) . As soon as i manage , i 'll keep informed the forum.


Hi Freakhouse,


So did you succeed in pushing dynamically those variables to adwords ?

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Vekia- Cool site. Here you go:


here it is:

{if $product->description}
<section class="page_product_box toggle_frame more_info_inner">
        <h3 class="toggle">{l s='More info'}<i class="icon-toggle icon-minus-sign-alt"></i></h3>
                {if isset($product) && $product->description}
                        <div class="toggle_content">
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Vekia- Google spiders visited my page and didn't see their code. I look at it more closely and realized your coding is removing some of their code as well. I'm pasting their code below. Your code removes their CDATA as well as the stuff that prestashop generates. RLMUS13, Product, 88.00 are values for my specific product page. These are the only things that are different between each page I use this on.


<script type="text/javascript">
var google_tag_params = {
ecomm_prodid: 'RLMUS13',
ecomm_pagetype: 'Product',
ecomm_totalvalue: '88.00',
<script type="text/javascript">
/* <![CDATA[ */
var google_conversion_id = 1069103396;
var google_custom_params = window.google_tag_params;
var google_remarketing_only = true;
/* ]]> */
<script type="text/javascript" src="//www.googleadservices.com/pagead/conversion.js">
<div style="display:inline;">
<img height="1" width="1" style="border-style:none;" alt="" src="//googleads.g.doubleclick.net/pagead/viewthroughconversion/1069103396/?value=0&guid=ON&script=0"/>

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so code provided by google has got cdata tags, so we can't remove it!

where i can verify this code? how you checking if code is valid for google or not?

i will test it in html box pro, it should work, but before i need to check it to be 100% sure

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In my Google Adwords account it is saying it doesn't see any tags now on any of my pages. Specifically, where I am getting this limited info is in their Remarketing section. That is what this code is for: remarketing.  I have tested with Chrome's Tag Assistant and it said it was ok even before I added your coding, so I wouldn't use that as a point of reference. I have asked Google and they have never given me an answer. It seems that you have to include their code exactly as they give it to you.


Vekia,  If you want to log in to my google adwords account and see what I am seeing, PM me and I will give you the login details.


According to the remarketing section in my Google adwords account, before I added your code it was seeing the tags, but not the section with the "user variables". In other words my product id, product type, and value that I mentioned in a previous post.  There is also a time lag, where you have to wait at least 24 hours for them to update this section. I  waited a couple days and that's when I realized google wasn't seeing the tags.



Here is a page I have the code on for example:


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I just got off the phone with google. Their support team has pretty limited information about this "dynamic remarketing" code. They told me the code was ok, but I need to put code on every page of my site for it all to work correctly.  I am going to do this and I will let you know. Their system is really slow to update and check as well. It sees the product codes now, but not the page type and prices. Also, they said some browsers won't see the code the way it is, but most will.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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I found the solution, in fact, you can use the footer template  product page (footer.tpl)  to insert your snippet for adwords remarketiing :


here : https://www.fr.adwords-community.com/t5/Configuration-et-principes-de/Balises-remarketing-pour-Prestashop/m-p/27434/highlight/true#M2886 


But the problem is that maybe the script will slow down the loading time of the page..


@freakhouse : how did you manage finally , with which kind of coding ?

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  • 9 months later...
  • 8 months later...

Hi vekia,



How to add external Js to  product_list.tpl ?


product_list.tpl file is located at themes/default-bootstrap/


ProductController.php file is locatied at  override/classes/controller/


eko-image-rollover.js file located at   \themes\default-bootstrap\js


I tried this one ,but its not working for me


prestashop version 1.6


class ProductController extends ProductControllerCore {
    public function setMedia()
        parent::setMedia(); // CSS files
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  • 2 years later...

For PS1.7.3 version, do I still need turn on the "extend tinymce editor features" for insert the "google's dynamic remarketing code"?

Or just paste the code to product summary / description / embed code in the product page as I want insert one google tags js snippet code in one target product, not for all products. Thanks!


code look like below:

Start of global snippet: Please do not remove
Place this snippet between the <head> and </head> tags on every page of your site.
<!-- Global site tag (gtag.js) - DoubleClick -->
<script async src="https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtag/js?id=XX-xxxxxx"></script>
  window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
  function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}
  gtag('js', new Date());

  gtag('config', 'XX-xxxxxx');
<!-- End of global snippet: Please do not remove -->

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