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[solved] How to adjust the product categories scroll left and right?

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I am struggling with the product scroll left ang right. See image attachedpost-547408-0-64424800-1374999845_thumb.png

I am trying to bring it back. Upload all the images on both themes/testD.2/img and themes/module/productcategories/img/xxx.png. None of them work.

What else should I fix? Template file?

My shop url: www.grandcoralaustralia.com.au/Grandcoral

My current CSS is attached.


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For images, modules css file is in themes/TestD.2/css/modules/productscategory/productscategory.css

so you need to place images in themes/TestD.2/css/modules/productscategory/img folder.


And for overlapping home slider, copy original css to themes/TestD.2/css/modules/homeslider/bx_styles.css and edit height to

.bx-wrapper {
margin-bottom: 20px;
height: 390px;

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@Vekia no I did not disable it. Could you try with this link?


I have checked the original theme that I have adapted, there is not such function. As far as I have found out, merely product.tpl and global.css does not really help. What else should I add in?

Edited by Xarapauy (see edit history)
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@Jiten @razaro Thanks you for your help but that is not what I am trying to fix it. However, I will fix it later and also plan to try to implement another slider instead.

The annoying problem here is the cross selling product that should pop up in the bottom of the product. I have checked the original theme that I have adapted, there is not such function. :unsure:

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take a look:

looks like there is no directory and mentioned files, are you 100% sure that /img/ directory exist in the path from above?

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take a look:

looks like there is no directory and mentioned files, are you 100% sure that /img/ directory exist in the path from above?


Ah I just found that I have created in the wrong directory. Already fixed but no image pop up. I stucked with this for a week ;-(

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