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[solved] How to translate "Check Out" button for the cart

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When a user, from the welcome page, goes to the cart, the cart is shown and a yellow button appears.


The problem is that the button indicates « Check Out » (in French or in English) whereas its fonctionality is to go on with the order (to buy).


See attachment.post-527997-0-88494300-1364816664_thumb.jpg


I want to change the translation into « Order » (in english) and « Commander » (in French).


Let me know if its possible to change the translation of this button.


Version 1.5.4






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Got the same problem. Version 1.5.4. I think it's a bug in the french version, as it wasn't written "check out" in previous 1.5.x. I'll tell if I find the way to do that. One soluton, I suppose, would be to go in Localisation/Traduction, and Modifier les traductions. I can't do that of PHP limitation (max_input_vars).

Edited by Coolio75 (see edit history)
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Ok, got the solution. My suggestion was the best way to do: go to Localisation/Traduction, then in "Modifier les traductions" choose "Traduction des modules installés", choose your theme name, then click on the french flag. Do a search on "Check out" word, then translate it and save. That should work.

Edited by Coolio75 (see edit history)
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Ok, got the solution. My suggestion was the best way to do: go to Localisation/Traduction, then in "Modifier les traductions" choose "Traduction des modules installés", choose your theme name, then click on the french flag. Do a search on "Check out" word, then translate it and save. That should work.


HI Coolio, that is the correct process to translate the many fields in the backoffice, front office, email templates, and installed modules.


Thank you for the reply. Oliforum, can you try these steps and elt us know if they work for you. Thank you for choosing PrestaShop!

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Thank you for the tip.


I didn't know this button was part of a module.


I have sucessfully managed to change the translation of "Check Out" (into english and french) in the module "blockcart".

it works fine know.


Topic closed.

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  • 11 months later...



Option #1 :

Normally, it is possible to modify the translations from the backoffice page of Prestashop.

Go to : Localisation > Translations.

Select : Modules installed, then the Theme you want to change, and then the flag.

You should have a list of data. Try to find check-out / checkout. it is in the module "blockcart".


I have myself a problem to change the translations this way so I do it this way:


Option #2

Go to your server of prestashop. Select the management of files (where the data are)

Go to :  httpdocs / themes / (your theme) / modules / blockcart


Here, you should have translation file (en;php, fr.php).

Edit the translations in the files and save.

The change should work.

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I try the first option in my Translation menu I have these:


- Front office translations

- Back office translations

- Error messages translations

- Field name translations

- Instaled modules translations

- PDF translations

- Email templates translations 


If I try front office translations , I can not find anywhere Check out.

If I try Instaled modules translations , page loading and then remains white.


The second option : 

C:\Program Files (x86)\EasyPHP-DevServer-14.1VC11\www\Eshopping\themes\default\modules\blockcart

Here i found one file : blockcart.tpl 

C:\Program Files (x86)\EasyPHP-DevServer-14.1VC11\www\Eshopping\modules\blockcart\translations

Here i found ro.php and en.php , but nowhere write Check Out / Checkout


En.php : 


global $_MODULE;
$_MODULE = array();
$_MODULE['<{blockcart}prestashop>blockcart_e03093a5753b436ee1de63b6e3e1bd02'] = 'Adds a block containing the customer\'s shopping cart.';
$_MODULE['<{blockcart}prestashop>blockcart_c888438d14855d7d96a2724ee9c306bd'] = 'Your settings have been updated.';
$_MODULE['<{blockcart}prestashop>blockcart_f4f70727dc34561dfde1a3c529b6205c'] = 'Settings';
$_MODULE['<{blockcart}prestashop>blockcart_00d23a76e43b46dae9ec7aa9dcbebb32'] = 'Enabled';
$_MODULE['<{blockcart}prestashop>blockcart_b9f5c797ebbf55adccdd8539a65a0241'] = 'Disabled';
$_MODULE['<{blockcart}prestashop>blockcart_c9cc8cce247e49bae79f15173ce97354'] = 'Save';
$_MODULE['<{blockcart}prestashop>blockcart_f2a6c498fb90ee345d997f888fce3b18'] = 'Delete';
$_MODULE['<{blockcart}prestashop>blockcart_a85eba4c6c699122b2bb1387ea4813ad'] = 'Cart';
$_MODULE['<{blockcart}prestashop>blockcart_068f80c7519d0528fb08e82137a72131'] = 'Products';
$_MODULE['<{blockcart}prestashop>blockcart_deb10517653c255364175796ace3553f'] = 'Product';
$_MODULE['<{blockcart}prestashop>blockcart_ea9cf7e47ff33b2be14e6dd07cbcefc6'] = 'Shipping';
$_MODULE['<{blockcart}prestashop>blockcart_ba794350deb07c0c96fe73bd12239059'] = 'Wrapping';
$_MODULE['<{blockcart}prestashop>blockcart_4b78ac8eb158840e9638a3aeb26c4a9d'] = 'Tax';
$_MODULE['<{blockcart}prestashop>blockcart_96b0141273eabab320119c467cdcaf17'] = 'Total';
$_MODULE['<{blockcart}prestashop>blockcart_6ff063fbc860a79759a7369ac32cee22'] = 'Checkout';
$_MODULE['<{blockcart}prestashop>blockcart_ed6e9a09a111035684bb23682561e12d'] = 'Please remove this product from my cart.';
$_MODULE['<{blockcart}prestashop>blockcart_86024cad1e83101d97359d7351051156'] = 'Products';
$_MODULE['<{blockcart}prestashop>blockcart_f5bf48aa40cad7891eb709fcf1fde128'] = 'Product';
$_MODULE['<{blockcart}prestashop>blockcart_0d11c2b75cf03522c8d97938490466b2'] = 'Prices include tax.';
$_MODULE['<{blockcart}prestashop>blockcart_41202aa6b8cf7ae885644717dab1e8b4'] = 'Prices do not include tax.';
$_MODULE['<{blockcart}prestashop>blockcart_377e99e7404b414341a9621f7fb3f906'] = 'Checkout';
global $_MODULE;
$_MODULE = array();
$_MODULE['<{blockcart}prestashop>blockcart_c2e1362a9710a3dd86f937c2ea1f336d'] = 'Blocul coșului';
$_MODULE['<{blockcart}prestashop>blockcart_e03093a5753b436ee1de63b6e3e1bd02'] = 'Adaugă un bloc care conține coșul de cumpărături al clientului.';
$_MODULE['<{blockcart}prestashop>blockcart_eb4ae207521bbe6403f7fe9564d38cda'] = 'Ajax : Alegere invalidă.';
$_MODULE['<{blockcart}prestashop>blockcart_c888438d14855d7d96a2724ee9c306bd'] = 'Setări actualizate';
$_MODULE['<{blockcart}prestashop>blockcart_f4f70727dc34561dfde1a3c529b6205c'] = 'Setări';
$_MODULE['<{blockcart}prestashop>blockcart_614a8820aa4ac08ce2ee398a41b10778'] = 'Coș ajax';
$_MODULE['<{blockcart}prestashop>blockcart_00d23a76e43b46dae9ec7aa9dcbebb32'] = 'Activat';
$_MODULE['<{blockcart}prestashop>blockcart_b9f5c797ebbf55adccdd8539a65a0241'] = 'Dezactivat';
$_MODULE['<{blockcart}prestashop>blockcart_dba281afb9a38e654ea9dab4cd6cb0ca'] = 'Activare mod AJAX pentru coș (compatibil cu tema implicită)';
$_MODULE['<{blockcart}prestashop>blockcart_c9cc8cce247e49bae79f15173ce97354'] = 'Salvare';
$_MODULE['<{blockcart}prestashop>blockcart_20351b3328c35ab617549920f5cb4939'] = 'Personalizare #';
$_MODULE['<{blockcart}prestashop>blockcart_0da4d96cad73748e2f608d31cfb3247c'] = 'Scoate acest produs din coș.';
$_MODULE['<{blockcart}prestashop>blockcart_c6995d6cc084c192bc2e742f052a5c74'] = 'Livrare gratuită!';
$_MODULE['<{blockcart}prestashop>blockcart_e7a6ca4e744870d455a57b644f696457'] = 'Gratis!';
$_MODULE['<{blockcart}prestashop>blockcart_f2a6c498fb90ee345d997f888fce3b18'] = 'Șterge';
$_MODULE['<{blockcart}prestashop>blockcart_0c3bf3014aafb90201805e45b5e62881'] = 'Afișare coș';
$_MODULE['<{blockcart}prestashop>blockcart_a85eba4c6c699122b2bb1387ea4813ad'] = 'Coş';
$_MODULE['<{blockcart}prestashop>blockcart_068f80c7519d0528fb08e82137a72131'] = 'Produse';
$_MODULE['<{blockcart}prestashop>blockcart_deb10517653c255364175796ace3553f'] = 'Produs';
$_MODULE['<{blockcart}prestashop>blockcart_9e65b51e82f2a9b9f72ebe3e083582bb'] = '(gol)';
$_MODULE['<{blockcart}prestashop>blockcart_4b7d496eedb665d0b5f589f2f874e7cb'] = 'Detalii produs';
$_MODULE['<{blockcart}prestashop>blockcart_3d9e3bae9905a12dae384918ed117a26'] = 'Personalizarea #%d:';
$_MODULE['<{blockcart}prestashop>blockcart_09dc02ecbb078868a3a86dded030076d'] = 'Nici un produs';
$_MODULE['<{blockcart}prestashop>blockcart_ea9cf7e47ff33b2be14e6dd07cbcefc6'] = 'Livrare';
$_MODULE['<{blockcart}prestashop>blockcart_ba794350deb07c0c96fe73bd12239059'] = 'Împachetare';
$_MODULE['<{blockcart}prestashop>blockcart_4b78ac8eb158840e9638a3aeb26c4a9d'] = 'TVA';
$_MODULE['<{blockcart}prestashop>blockcart_96b0141273eabab320119c467cdcaf17'] = 'Total';
$_MODULE['<{blockcart}prestashop>blockcart_52a1f8f55ec919087809ef31b72c31c8'] = 'Prețurile contin TVA.';
$_MODULE['<{blockcart}prestashop>blockcart_3c5a90ab81573c044caffb847d9157f6'] = 'Prețurile nu conțin TVA.';
$_MODULE['<{blockcart}prestashop>blockcart_6ff063fbc860a79759a7369ac32cee22'] = 'Finalizare comandă';



My CheckOut/Check-out look like this :


first english language : https://www.dropbox.com/s/e7mcu4s382a26k8/1.jpg

second romanian language : https://www.dropbox.com/s/9bhmkz0cpo2jbrk/2.jpg


What can I do ? 



Edited by AndreeaR (see edit history)
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- If you want to change in English language : 


In En.php, you see two different lines showing 'Checkout'.

The line that interest you is the second one (the one showing "....21f7fb3f906")

EDIT the file and change 'Checkout' by another word of your choice (be careful to keep the quotes ').

SAVE the file.

Verify the result on your website.


- if you want to change in Romanian language  : 

In Ro.php, it seems you do not have the line showing "....21f7fb3f906").


So ADD the following line in the file :


$_MODULE['<{blockcart}prestashop>blockcart_377e99e7404b414341a9621f7fb3f906'] = 'Finalizare comandă'; 

SAVE the file.

Verify the result on your website.

It should work.

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