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Meta Title & Meta Discription Format


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Hello Friends,


I like to know I have put my product meta title & description in below format. But I have observed drop in Google search. It will be great if anyone suggest me correct format.


Currently I am using below format. Does this ( | ) not allowed by Google



Valentine Photo Frame Cum Clock - Buy Online |Reviews |Price |Gift Online







Shall I use below format?



Valentine Photo Frame Cum Clock - Buy Online,Reviews,Price,Gift Online



Please guide me.



Edited by Vilas (see edit history)
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Hi DH42,


Thanks for suggestion. I have one query in my mind. Whenever you enter product title prestashop automatically assign it as H1 then again in product description we have to enter product title as H1? Or we don't have to enter H1 text again anywhere on same page?


Please clarify.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  1. Url keyword
  2. Page title
  3. H1 tag

Those 3 are one of the most important things


Hi Vladeta,


Page title you intend the meta-title or the actual title?

(i've read somewhere that googlebot actually reads the title and gives less importance to the metafiles, while other crawlers don't)


in general it's bad to put things twice, is that true for titles / metatiles - description / meta description?

or does it give the page more revelance as robots pickup the keywords more often?


thanks for your help!!

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I think there is something wrong with prestashop. If you check below page.




In above page if title is considered as h1 but if we check through online option it says h1 is missing.


Can anyone know why online page checking tools shows such error?



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You are absolutely right. My page shows h1 is there is we checking using firebug. But if we check using below link it shows h1 is missing. Whereas if we check any other page of other website then it shows correct results.


tool link




My page:




Other website page:




I am unable to understand for my site why is it showing h1 missing error.



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Do you means to say I have to remove canonical option?




Issue with your website is that you have 2 H1 tags on that page. Other, more important issue with this page, is that it is not indexable (it has canonical url set).

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I have used my domain name to check status of website.




I have no clue what url you are passing to the tool, but here is a screenshot of both you posted http://screencast.com/t/9P14xl1L http://screencast.com/t/bYQRLqoO49z Post the url you are actually entering in the programs. From what I can tell all of the stats are different from the two I posted.

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In short, no, you don't have to remove canonical links. But you should educate a bit if you want to do this properly and with best results.


Canonical links tell google that it doesn't index one page if you already have one the same. This is so that you avoid penalties for duplicate content.


I assume that you have one page with same content, and canonical link is inserted because of that. But if you don't have any other page with same content, you should remove it.


I hope I helped.

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I ran my site through the seorch tool, which gave me an great feedback for seo,

but there's one thing that I'll like to ask you experts about:

what influences the website speed?

how come with the same identical theme one time it came up with 4 second an the next 2.6?


thanks for your expertise,

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There is no difference what sign you use. But for user point of view i suggest using "-" use "I" only when you write company name at the end. else its best to use - or , .

And make title effective and user optimized. Don't focus in giving maximum keywords. Make it appealing.

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'Well i m not conscious that search engines has decreased assistance for any of the "signs". I'm using "|" for most of my websites for decades now and it has confirmed to be wise decision. Just add area " " after those symptoms . . . . .

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