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Can not see all countries in add adress

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Help needed,


I am a new user of Prestashop.

The shop works nice, but now we have a problem,


As a register customer wants to ad a extra adress

He can not see his country

The drop down list only shows a small part of the countries


When the a customer creats a new adress we can see all the countries


How do we fix this problem?




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Thank you for responding elpatron


In back office shipping countries I have enable all the countries

When a coustumer register for the first time he can choose all the countries

But after register to add a 2e adres or change the adres there is limited choose in the countries


Do you know what this problem is?

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On the Countries tab (shipping) on the back office, go to the very bottom of the page and choose NO to the option: Restrict country selections in Front-office to those covered by active carriers

enabled.gif Yes disabled.gif No


This should fix the country list from not showing.









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This solved this issue for me - http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/174926-creating-a-new-account-address-country-drop-down-is-empty-causing-error-message/


Hi rachel,

In your Back Office, please go to Shipping > Countries and select the UK. There, please check if Country:name is listed under "Address Format." If not, that is likely the cause of your error.




I hope this helps.



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