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[SOLVED] Disable auto complete when new address is added

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Can someone please help me how to disable this? When customer logs in or registers and wants to add a new address - his/her name appears in the first name and last name boxes. Every single box should be empty so there is no confusion when adding a new address.




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Hi moonmosaic,

This is something handled by each user's individual browser settings, and not something you can regulate for your individual site.




Thanks Mike, but still not sure why the entire name, first name and last name are there as soon as the "add new address" box opens up. I have not seen this with other companies. In most cases I need to scroll down to the box and start typing something for auto complete.

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Thanks Mike, but still not sure why the entire name, first name and last name are there as soon as the "add new address" box opens up. I have not seen this with other companies. In most cases I need to scroll down to the box and start typing something for auto complete.


Please try clearing your browser's cookies and cache and then let me know if the issue persists.



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Please try clearing your browser's cookies and cache and then let me know if the issue persists.




Yes, it still has first name and last name already input in those fields. It takes the data from personal info because I just registered as a fictional character first time ever so there is no history or a cache to pull from. Any suggestions? Do you not have this problem? I am using 1.4 but I have a 1.2 version and it does the same.

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Hi moonmosaic,

As I mentioned earlier, this is not a setting anywhere within PrestaShop's software. This information is being populated by an autocomplete function within your browser. You can control this for yourself by disabling that feature, but your customers will need to make that decision for themselves.



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Hi moonmosaic,

As I mentioned earlier, this is not a setting anywhere within PrestaShop's software. This information is being populated by an autocomplete function within your browser. You can control this for yourself by disabling that feature, but your customers will need to make that decision for themselves.




Thanks Mike,

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  • 4 years later...

This information ( answers) are no correct. In the part of the code to display "first name"  "and last name " for example if one page checkout in the file " order-opc-new-account.tpl " have to take out the code:




for example for firstname in:


<div class="required form-group">
<label for="firstname">{l s='First name'} <sup>*</sup></label>
<input type="text" class="text form-control validate" id="customer_firstname" name="customer_firstname" onblur="$('#firstname').val($(this).val());" data-validate="isName" value="{if isset($guestInformations) && isset($guestInformations.customer_firstname) && $guestInformations.customer_firstname}{$guestInformations.customer_firstname}{/if}" />
take out:
will be:
<div class="required form-group">
<label for="firstname">{l s='First name'} <sup>*</sup></label>
<input type="text" class="text form-control validate" id="customer_firstname" name="customer_firstname"  data-validate="isName" value="{if isset($guestInformations) && isset($guestInformations.customer_firstname) && $guestInformations.customer_firstname}{$guestInformations.customer_firstname}{/if}" />
next to this code you have the same code for lastname, do in there the same.
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