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Company's order without TAX

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  • 11 months later...

the customer would need to be assigned to a specific group...this group would set to tax excluded...(ok, pretty sure as I didn't test it) but give that a try...


All groups are set: tax included. The problem only occurs when client enters company name. Otherwise, everything is OK.

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For those loving to work with the source code I have a modification so that those customers with a company name get the prices without VAT and the others with VAT. It assumes that your default is with VAT. I made the modification in PS 1.4.9. Other versions may be a bit different.


You need to modify the function "invoice()" in the file PDF.php in the classes directory. At about the tenth line of that function you will find the following code:

if ((self::$_priceDisplayMethod = $order->getTaxCalculationMethod()) === false)
    die(self::l('No price display method defined for the customer group'));


After that fragment you need to insert the following code:

$addressObj = new Address((int)($order->id_address_invoice));
if ($addressObj->company != "")
    self::$_priceDisplayMethod = PS_TAX_EXC;

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I have a modification so that those customers with a company name get the prices without VAT and the others with VAT.


I have the opposite problem. My customers with a company name get the prices without VAT at default Prestashop installation. I want them to get prices with VAT like the others.

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What stroke me in your registration process is that some field names are shown in white - making them de facto invisible. That concerned the firm name and the telephone number. See also the attached image. Seems to me a rather serious problem.


However, I couldn't find any price without VAT. Can you provide a screendump?


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I have the impression that it is a problem in your template.


It happens only in the express checkout. Not in the normal checkout. And it happens only in the express checkout when besides a company name you also provide a VAT number (I suppose NIP is VAT). (in the normal checkout the VAT isn't even asked).

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