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Top Seller Block - Prevent certain items showing

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I have a small number of items in my store that are offered as add-ons for an order. However, they consistently show up as top sellers in the Top Seller block. Is there any way I can make these products not show up in that block at all no matter how many are sold?

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you would have to filter them out by overriding the code. you can either alter the ProductSale class, and change the query so that they are not retrieved from the database. Or you could alter the BestSalesController so that they are filtered out.


either way, how do you identify that they are 'add-ons'? are they in a certain category, do they have 'addon' in the product name. you will need to identify these products somehow so they can be filtered out.


if you are not familiar with this type coding, i can offer my services to you. send me a PM and we can discuss the details.

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