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[SOLVED] site gets very slow when using vouchers

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I have noticed that after adding a voucher code at order step 1 the site becomes very slow in the order process. It takes about one minute to open the cart or 15-30 seconds to open next order pages.


After I log out, the site comes back to its normal speed.


Anyone with similar issues?


PS v1.3.2; Chrome (Firefox seems a bit faster)

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I used the module to clean the database.


It's faster now, but the following error showed up in the header: Warning: set_time_limit(): Cannot set time limit due to system policy in /customers/5/c/a/ilovekutchi.com/httpd.www/shop/modules/deleteconnections/deleteconnections.php on line 2


With that, some of the page design changed! Font-size is different in the cart!!


I uninstalled the module and the design came back to normal. I advise you to solve this bug...



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I have the exact same problem with my shop. It's on Prestashop 1.4.3.


I have 161 customers, and 38 vouchers, 3400 products.


Browsing on the website just gets extremely slow if a customer has a voucher in cart. It's not just the check-out step but anything and everything! I suspect the blockcart module might be doing some unnecessary work if it has a voucher in it. Just a guess.


I tried the delete-connections module suggested on this thread, but it didn't seem to have helped much, unfortunately. 38 vouchers are not really a lot, and I plan on using much more voucher as an effective way to keep customer loyalty.


Any lead to a solution would be really appreciated!




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